Last summer, the National Socialist Movement in Cadillac decided to become good citizens and clean up a local park. The City didn’t mind, they’d take all of the help that they could get. But, when the Nazi’s showed up wearing their swastikas and stopping every now and then for photo-ops, it was pretty obvious that this was nothing more than a publicity stunt for them. It was, however, when the City Council presented a Certificate of Appreciation to the Nazi’s that the residents said “Whoa!”
Out of that situation emerged a great example of what a community can do to unite and tell hate to take a hike. When current leader of Cadillac United, Tiyi Schippers, heard a member of the NSM tell the city council that they were a legitimate political organizition she responded that they were “as much a political group as Al Qaeda with pretty much the same agenda, except with a broader target.”
From a loosely knit group to a solidified community builder, Schippers explains how it was done and where they are now:
“When the city back peddaled and refused to give a firm statement denouncing nazis we organized. We invited the ADL to speak to the community about the NSM and other hate groups. Betsy Kellman, the regional director af the ADL came up with reps from the department of human rights, and the state justice department. they talked about what was happening, and how we could counteract it. We passed out a sheet asking for volunteers to from a diversity team. This meeting took place four days after the city council meeting and about 50 people came! Twenty something signed to be on the task force.
“We scheduled our first meeting with the help of the ADL. I went to city council and invited them to the meeting, then notified the paper that I had personally invited them all. They all came. Betsy Kellman explained further what we could do and asked for the assembled group to select a leader. I drew the short straw.
Now the group meets monthly. Members include the mayor, city manager, director of public safety, superintendant of schools, MSU Extension workers, a mental health rights worker, DNR biologist, county commissioners, local ministers, a teacher, students, and concerned citizens.”
And that is how it is done, folks. Over the last year, Cadillac United has implemented a community art project entitled “From Many Places We Are One Cadillac United,” contacted Michigan State University for diversity training and applied for a grant to provide that service for the community. And the group doesn’t let any grass grow under its’ feet. Tiyi says, “We organized a large group to clean up the parks this past weekend, and all wore "No Place For Hate" buttons at the clean up and the picnic afterwards. The nazis came again, but even the city council wore the buttons. I think the message was clear. There was no confrontation, only a firm statement that we were not about hate in our town. This year saw the largest number of volunteers for the clean-up. I am not sure, but I like to think it is because folks decided to put their rakes where their hearts were in support of tolerance.”
Citizens – all against hate, working together to build a better community and send a message of zero tolerance to hate in their town. It does work, and Cadillac United is living proof of that. Tiyi Schippers is proud of what they have accomplished and what lies ahead.
“In March I was invited and participated in the Michigan Civil Rights Summit at Wayne State University,” Schippers said. “Civil rights activists from arround the state gathered to discuss segregation, hate crimes, and affirmative action. From that summit a report will be presented to the governor's office including policy suggestions. Michigan is third in the nation for hate crimes, one of the most segregated states, and not a great place for minority and women's opportunities. I was proud to be part a group striving to change that status.
“Cadillac United was also featured in the ADL Annual Report as an example of how investigation exposed latent threats.”
We wish them well in their upcoming endeavors which includes an event that will counter the NSM’s National White Pride Picnic held in July. This week, Cadillac United has invited Floyd Cochran to bring his message to the schools and to the community. On Friday, May 12, Mr. Cochran will take center stage to address the public schools of Cadillac. That evening, at 7:00 PM, Floyd will be speaking to the public at Cadillac Community Schools Auditorium – an event that promises to be well attended.
Cadillac United is but one shining example of what citizens against hate all across the country can do – and are doing. Hate doesn’t have to thrive in your neighborhood. Racism doesn’t have to be tolerated. Solutions don’t always involve confrontations. Unity, love of your fellow man, and a willingness to say no to hate can and does make a difference.
*For more information on building community coalitions and groups, please visit our “Fighting Back” section or for an audio version at AUDIO.
Here's what happens when you embrace Multiculturism & Diversity:
ReplyDeleteFrom the Hal Turner site:
The ancestors of African-Americans came to this land against their will and in chains. I think it is time some of our present day negroes LEAVE the same way! Some blacks simply cannot fit-in with our society. They prove it over and over. Why continue the charade of them being "equal" and just do what our ancestors did -- but in reverse. I call for savage criminal blacks to be removed from America against their will and in chains just like their ancestors came. Let's get rid of the animlas once and for all!
I love it when facts can't be disputed. You Jigaboo Lovers are too quite on this one.
ReplyDeleteHolsten you are a pederast and your son is also a pederast. The apple never falls far from the tree does it?
ReplyDeleteAnd just how long have you had this unquenchable desire to suck my Dick???
ReplyDeleteThank you very very much. I don't know why these Faggots are so attracted to me.
ReplyDeleteAsk Holsten when his son stands trial for child molesting!
ReplyDeleteBill White is flipping out again looking up the phone book and finding the first Floyd Cochran he sees.
ReplyDeleteBut here is Bill White's parents. Maybe someone should call them and discuss their son with them.
William D White
Catherine White
5725 Artesian Dr
Derwood MD 20855
Phone: (301) 990-0416
Bill's retarded brother James still lives there also.
Watch out Bill, the Sodomite Faggot is after you...
ReplyDeleteLOL - it's really pretty funny. Bill "I'm Smart" White keeps trying and trying but he still didn't get it right.
ReplyDeleteThat's bullshit, posting Bill's parents number and address like that.
ReplyDeleteSomeone should post Nikki's info like that, we're all dying to see what that old hag looks like.
Anonymous, where are you when Bill White is posting addresses of innocent people?
ReplyDeleteBill White is sure shook up now, he's forging letters claiming that Floyd is trying to kill him and his family.
I just called the number, his mother kept on saying "who is this... who is this...god damn who is this...."
ReplyDeleteBetween 1987 and 2006, Nationalists had succeeded in turning the tables on their opponents, by assessing damages against public-officials and rolling back restrictions on free-speech and public-assembly. These efforts were set back when William White, lavishly praised by pro-minority fund-raiser Morris Dees, was assessed court-costs and restrictions in a vain attempt to sue the City of Lansing, Michigan. Appearing without a lawyer, White positioned himself to allow a judge to strip away all of the gains Nationalists had amassed. Although the debacle only affected White, it cast a pale upon serious pro-majority reform. White, who frequently alleged that he was not a mental-patient, had as much use for the law as Matt Hale, who was sentenced to forty years for murder-conspiracy, after "declaring war," stating that he found it "hard" to use "legal tactics" and conspiring with ex-cons and mass-murderers. Hale was, also, assessed $1.6 in fines.
Haw, looks like the old queer has a thing for the Naziboy.....
ReplyDeleteHolswine, your brat is going DOWN! I hope he isn't stoooooooooopid enough to repeat that nutsie in jail.
ReplyDeleteNow, post to me Stevo! Gooooooooood doggie! Roll over! Play dead! Now, stay dead! Goooooooooooooood doggie!
Well, well. The Dog Dick Sucker has turned into another Anonymous Pussy FuckTard. I wouldn't let you suck my Dick even if I was a Faggot with what you like doing to dogs.
ReplyDeleteLike father like son. Steve used to dream of having sex with Elizabeth Smart when she was younger.
ReplyDeleteAnd a big fuck you to Vonbluvens
Don't put that Shit on me Johnny_B_Queer_2006. You're the one who used to constantly talk about her.
ReplyDeleteAre you as big of a Nigger Lover as you used to be?
That's right pedo. Elizabeth Smart is too old for you now. Faggot Steve back in the 70s had pictures of topless Jerry Lawler hanging in his bedroom instead of Farrah like most men.
ReplyDeleteIf the City Council gives other groups Certificates of Appreciation for civic cleanup, why shouldn't they also give the Cadillac NSM unit a certificate? And so what if the NSM cadre also created a photo op? If they cleaned up the park, they performed a public service.
ReplyDeleteMass immigration and affirmative action continue to fuel the white nationalist movement. The NSM has broken out of the pack because they're unified and believe in direct action. They're not just keyboard commandos.
Now now JohhnyBQueer2006, Your Great Hero never had an interest in the Smart girl besides wishing her well and to get home safely.
ReplyDeleteAnd No Nigger Dick Sucker, I had Playboy centerfolds on my bedroom walls till my Mom told me to take them down. And yes, I had Farrah hanging up as well. I got to leave her.
Child molesters are the scum of the world. People like the pedo and his pedo son should be put in cages and gang raped.
ReplyDeleteThere's a problem with that, you sorry assed lying Nigger Dick Sucking Son-Of-A-Bitch. You need to get your Fucking stories straight. You're a Fucking Pussy too, Anonymous Pussy FuckTard. My son & I have never molested anyone.
ReplyDeleteThis latest request of yours to suck my Dick is still denied....
Goooooooooooood, doggie Stevo! Roll over! Play dead! Now, stay dead! Goooooooooood, pedo doggie!
ReplyDeleteHey, retard Holswine!
ReplyDeleteWhy not become a Mormon? Then, you can marry 70 fourteen-year-olds like that pussy Prophet Jeff!
Post to me, Holswine! Gooooooooood doggie! Roll over! Play dead! Now, stay dead! Goooooooooooood pedo doggie!
Bill White talks about Vonbluvens
I'm sick of the scum of the earth -- thieves, drunks, killers, mentally ill people, people that no sane person would ever associate with -- passing through the white nationalist movement, joining our groups, and then turning on us just like the spineless treacherous white trash slime they've always been and trying to get self-righteous.
Rumour has it that Vonbluvens teamed up with Harry Schwartz against Hal Turner a few years ago.
Sounds like Unit 9 Sucks 9 Dicks a day is trying to play a little game of divide & conqour
ReplyDeleteIt looks like Harry Schwartz and Bill white have a little too much in common with their investigations.
ReplyDeleteHas anybody else noticed this?
You mean, Harry Schwartz = Bill White?
ReplyDeleteHell no. There is no way that they are the same. Schwartzo is too much of a Jigaboo Lover...
ReplyDeletewell faggot, what happened in court today?
ReplyDeleteIt's like this Nigger Dick Sucker, there was no court today since his court date was changed to the 24th. It will likely be put off again.
ReplyDeleteyou are just delaying his prison sentence.
ReplyDeleteThink what you want, you Jigaboo Loving Faggot. You'll see in good time...
ReplyDeleteso did you fire the public defender who was defending Chris?
ReplyDeleteHolswine is too cheap to fire. He's got to buy more gumballs from eBay.
ReplyDeletePost to me, Holswine! Goooooooooooood doggie! Now, roll over! Play dead! Now, stay dead! Goooooooooooood doggie!
"Daddy, daddy! When I go to prison, should I tighten up or leave it loose like when you and your shemale cow Shirley do it?"
ReplyDelete"Chris, your stepmom's pole is pretty big, so I leave it nice and loose. I also let her moo in bed."
How to bust a Holsten airs tonight on NBC
ReplyDeleteWatch dateline as they bust online sex pedophiles like the Holstens at 9pm tonight.
And it's official, I'm moving to Maryland. We closed today on a house in the mountains near the C&O canal in Williamsport.
I'll be doing some research in Rockville & Silver Spring tomorrow.
Yep, you'll get to witness entrapment at it's best. Men's lives will be Fucked up along with their families.
ReplyDeleteIt's high time this Bullshit was put to an end. They should have to commit some act before an arrest can be made...
I think some people are just embarassed that Floyd sent such a violent note.
ReplyDeleteFloyd, like all the antifa, is really just an unstable character -- and has been all his life. He's an admitted drunkard who was in and out of jail for about fifteen years for drinking, stealing and just generally being human trash. Like most former antifa, his problem was never "racism", but the fact he was born an asshole.
It amazes me that people treat him as being credible. I hope we contribute to undermining that point of view.
Full headers of Floyd's email:
From One Peoples Tue May 9 15:59:33 2006
X-Apparently-To: dhyphen@yahoo.com via; Tue, 09 May 2006 15:59:38 -0700
X-Originating-IP: []
Return-Path: rasca121@hotmail.com
Authentication-Results: mta297.mail.mud.yahoo.com from=hotmail.com; domainkeys=neutral (no sig)
Received: from (EHLO hotmail.com) ( by mta297.mail.mud.yahoo.com with SMTP; Tue, 09 May 2006 15:59:38 -0700
Received: from mail pickup service by hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC; Tue, 9 May 2006 15:59:36 -0700
Message-ID: BAY7-F101EB1116AFFA022D40FB89FA90@phx.gbl
Received: from by by7fd.bay7.hotmail.msn.com with HTTP; Tue, 09 May 2006 22:59:33 GMT
X-Originating-IP: []
X-Originating-Email: [rasca121@hotmail.com]
X-Sender: rasca121@hotmail.com
From: "One Peoples" rasca121@hotmail.com Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
To: dhyphen@yahoo.com
Subject: from FC
Date: Tue, 09 May 2006 18:59:33 -0400
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 09 May 2006 22:59:36.0286 (UTC) FILETIME=[3E4C1FE0:01C673BC]
Content-Length: 569
As to Schwartz, for all his big mouth, he's harmless.
ReplyDeleteSince you've moved to Maryland, I'll see you in Sharpsburg, Schwartz-o.
elmer sais:
ReplyDelete"There's a problem with that, you sorry assed lying Nigger Dick Sucking Son-Of-A-Bitch. You need to get your Fucking stories straight. You're a Fucking Pussy too, Anonymous Pussy FuckTard. My son & I have never molested anyone.
This latest request of yours to suck my Dick is still denied...."
So why is everyone calling you a pedo? Did they just make it up?
If you are not a pedo my appologies
Bill's forging email headers again.
ReplyDeleteYou will need this tomorrow
ReplyDeleteFor Schwartz
The following is a taped conversation from the Holswine household:
ReplyDelete"Daddy, daddy! When I go to prison, should I tighten up or leave it loose like when you and your shemale cow Shirley do it?"
"Chris, your stepmom's pole is pretty big, so I leave it nice and loose. I also let her moo in bed."
Anonymous Said:
ReplyDeleteSo why is everyone calling you a pedo? Did they just make it up?
If you are not a pedo my appologies.
That question is fair enough without you acting like most here do.
The ones who falsely call me a Pedo are Nigger Lovers through & through.
I'm racially aware and I care about my White race. I didn't know what evil was till I mixed it up with the evil Antfa's. They want the White race to cease to exist. They're sorry they was born White and not Shit skin Mongrels.