By Nicole Nichols
"The Swastika stands for truth…for justice…"(Jeff Schoep April 22, 2006, from the steps of the Michigan State Capitol in Lansing)

Chomping on gum, swaggering to the microphone, Jeff Schoep stood before the group of protestors on a beautiful Spring day and spewed his rhetoric of hate and racism. It was evident that Schoep and the rest of his goon squad were making every effort to capitalize upon the problems currently beseiging America. Blasting the President and his war might be popular among most people today, and the immigration issue is really heating up, but the words of Schoep and friends weren't recevied any better than usual as the crowd saw right through the smoke-screen.
Schoep, who has been so low key as to appear non-existent, has all but relinquished the reins of the National Socialist Movement to Bill White. The big question on everyone's mind is why?" Why would Schoep, who struggled through the criticisms and disdain of even those within the "Movement," to bring the National Socialist Movement to the forefront, give up his control to someone like Bill White? In attempting to make some sense out of all of this, we must first look at some facts.
Over the last few years the entire racist movement has been in total and utter chaos. The death of William Pierce and the annointing of Erich Gliebe and Shawn Walker has been disasterous for the once largest neo-Nazi group in America, the National Alliance. Fraught with one scandal after another surrounding sex, hatecore music, and the mishandling of money they have lost a mountain of members and a lot of funds.
The Aryan Nations was fledgling after the head of that group lost a major lawsuit and its compound. The death of the infamous Richard Butler put the last nail in the coffin of that outfit and rendered it impotent with nothing but a few fragmented cells remaining.
The Creativity Movement (f.k.a. The World Church of the Creator) was dead in the water with the arrest, conviction, and sentencing of Matt Hale. While a few ersatz members tried to resurrect the "Church," it didn't stand a chance. This was largely due to the violent nature of Creator's and the string of crimes that they insist upon engaging in.
The arrival of David Duke back on the scene was welcomed by many on the racist right only to fizzle out after the New Orleans Protocol fiasco and claims that his organization EURO had gone soft.
This left the National Socialist Movement as the only "Organization" in the hate arena. It is natural to assume that some members of the previous groups switched allegiances and signed up. This, of course, meant more dues money and donations for Schoep's rag-tag bunch of Nazi's. Jeff Schoep, it has been said, is happiest when the money is rolling in.
It is unclear - and even debated - as to how and why Michael Blevins of Vonbluvens fame and Bill White jumped on board. Blevins was just remaining very low-key after a scandal surrounding him broadcasting his Nazi radio show out of the same place that housed a daycare center. It appears that it was the NSM that was responsible for putting him back on the air. White, on the other hand, is a little more of an enigma.

Jeff Schoep has long been castigated for his acceptance of members of dubious character and his refusal to dismiss anyone who actually pays their dues. Several who have left the rank and file demonstrate great disdain for Schoep's love of money and how easily he is bought. Of course, this might explain Bill White, but there might just be something else at work here - something that the rank and file either know about and refuse to acknowledge, or something that is kept very quiet among the leadership. At any rate, someone knows about it - the information that is being leaked out of that group on a weekly basis is painting a very graphic, if unsavory, picture.
It is important to remember that Schoep isn't exactly the epitome of integrity or honor and was admonished severely when standing before a judge on charges of a burglary he and a girlfriend committed while children awaited them in the car. Additionally, it has been said that he has fathered several children by different women and that he does little on their behalf. Knowing all of this it is little wonder that as Schoep stood on the Capitol steps in Lansing and shouted "The nation that was once America back in the 1950's where a family was normal no longer exists," we all just cracked up. The very idea of Schoep using the words "normal" and "family" together is just incongruous.
Given the lifestyle led by Schoep it is likely that his "friends and comrades" fail to exhibit much in the way of character as well.

I say Pierpont "supposedly" left the scene because that is what he and his friends would like everyone to believe. However, I have been informed by several different sources in the know that Pierpont is alive and well and playing in his litterbox out of sight. Maybe, however, Anthony isn't playing there all by himself.
It was no secret that the NSM wanted to purchase Panzerfaust Records when the Pierpont fiasco took place. What didn't seem to be known by many at the time, at least publicly, was that the relationship between Schoep and Pierpont was as close as it is. From those who were close to Pierpont there was much skepticism that Anthony could just walk away from the money generated by that which he had built. Maybe he didn't.
As I have been informed by various people who either left the movement or who know that Pierpont wouldn't just walk away, Anthony Pierpont is behind the latest NSM venture NSM88 Records. One look at the offerings and one knows that many of the groups are those who were being promoted by him and Panzerfaust.
According to an unnamed source who is inside the NSM, Jeff Schoep and Anthony Pierpont maintain an extremely close relationship and Pierpont remains a very integral part of the hatecore music industry. Last year Bryant Cecchini, Pierpont's former partner at Panzerfaust, told me that when Pierpont got egg on his face he remarked, "Now that I'm out of the limelight, I'll snort all the coke and bang all the whores I want."
Even though the relationship between Schoep and Pierpont has been reported to us on more than one occasion, I did a little more "nosing around" and along the way met up with Professor Jacques Pluss. Some may remember that Pluss is the college Professor who infiltrated the National Socialist Movement to gather experiences and information for a book that he is working on. As his writings are coming along nicely he had a little time to talk with me.
I have found Professor Pluss to be not only erudite and knowledgeable but quite humorous as well. My curiosity about the NSM's rank and file reaction to Bill White elicited this respose from Pluss:

anyone with a loud mouth and a website. They sure treated me like g-d
after three or so of my radio shows. If it weren't White, it would be
someone like him. Would they jump to defend him? No. The NSM
rank-and-file ARE merely Hollywood Nazi's. Were he in trouble of some
kind, they'd pat him on the back, give him a seig heil or two, and go back
to whatever they do in their daily lives. Like most people in most groups,
the NSM rank and file are "sheeple." Even monkey man Brunson wouldn't lift
his leg to pee unless Schoep told him to. It's too bad that he was
"ordered" to hassle you. So, what do the rank-and-file think about
VonBluvens or White? Most of them don't do too much thinking."
Richard Brunson, by all outward appearances, is Jeff Schoep's man-servant and general lackey. Reportedly, he and Schoep share a room together anytime they are away and Brunson is in charge of making sure that nothing happens to Schoep. He takes his job seriously and to the extreme. He will be the first one on the scene whenever something negative is said about Jeff and is quick with a tirade and threats. A long-time member of the NSM who bailed about a year ago told me that "Brunson would wipe Jeff's ass and lick his boots if Schoep would let him."
It seems like the time Pluss spent inside resulted in some pretty valid insight into this organization. As we start to try to pull the pieces to all of this together, the thing that always keeps playing over and over in my mind is "follow the money trail." According to Cecchini, "PF was merely a subsidary of Victory Media, Inc., which was not a sole proprietorship, it was a corporation that Pierpont was merely the president of. But lots of money (I found out later) had a way of going from the business bank account straight to his personal account. In fact, one day last June, over $100,000 (in one day) was transferred from the business to his personal account."
Now that's an awful lot of money, folks - no matter how you slice it. Further questions of Professor Pluss resulted in the following revelations:
"It appears, according to my source, that NSM Records took up the distribution of some White Power music groups (particularly "Race War") originally sponsored or "discovered" by Panzerfaust. The NSM gets a large cut of distribution in-take, and, more importantly, Pierpont seems to, also. The NSM Record Label has taken over some of Panzerfaust's clients for a fee, but I could not find out exactly how any monies are divided or applied in a broad sense. Pierpont is there, in the background, masking his business interests behind his friendship with Schoep.
"…The take I got last night in a brief conversation with my contact indicates to me that Schoep's relationship with Pierpont is very, very close -- if you catch my
drift, as they used to say -- and, obviously includes more than business arrangements. Psychologically, Schoep's "macho" act with the women goes to
cover up his "shameful" desire to be with members of the same sex."
Whoa! Now, if all of this is true, that brings into question the real loyalties of those who purchase music from the NSM and thus from Anthony Pierpont. Those on the racist right are always quick to point out hypocrisy yet if they are aware of who their money is going to, how hypocritical is that? The truth of the matter, however, is more than likely few know what is going on.
Given the fact that Schoep has already proven himself prone to larceny a teaming up with Pierpont could be quite lucrative to both of them. But, what of the rank and file NSM and others who have turned to NSM88 for their music purchases? If there is validity in this, then their money is going to support none other than the man they wanted to run out of town on a rail.
And then there are the drugs…Anthony Pierpont is a dependent personality. He had previously served time for drugs and was busted again a little over a year ago for possession. It is highly unlikely that Pierpont, according to those who know him, can or will stay straight for any length of time.
Anthony Pierpont loved traveling to Thailand - according to him it was always one helluva party. Interestingly enough, a former member of the NSM, Mike McQueeny, who was dismissed after a violent episode at one of the groups confabs, has a tattoo shop in Thailand and enjoyed bringing back tokens of his appreciation to Schoep. Trips to Thailand cost a lot of money. But then if you are raking it in, you tend to want to live large.
As some questions get answered, more are born. One burning question in all of this is, if it is true and Schoep and Pierpont have a close relationship both personally and business wise, how much does Bill White know? When the NSM88 Record store opened I eagerly wrung my hands and openly waited for another Shop White fiasco as I was sure that Bill had his hands in that pie. He told me, "Actually, my whole contribution to this project was contributing to the bulk uploading of the image files -- grunt work.
"Jeff and company had this in the works since long before I joined the NSM."
I can't help but wonder if William A. White knows who the "company" in "Jeff and company" is. I'll bet he does - and I don't buy that his hands aren't in there somewhere - not for one minute.
For many years now I have chronicled the exceedingly violent and seedy realm of hate. The violence still appalls me. The degenercy of its members never ceases to disgust me. The illogic of their "logic" somehow still astounds me. But, their fickle nature when it comes to saying one thing and doing another simply blows my mind. For all of their bluster and blow about family and values and purety - few have families, most have no sense of value, and no one can claim "purety" with hearts as black as theirs. They call for unity and declare certain individuals and groups as people unacceptable, yet those are the very people who they cleave to when it appears that they are all alone.
It is often said that hate is born out of fear - fear of the unknown, fear of the unfamiliar, or fear of the loss of power. Their every day activities demonstrate the validity of this theory in many ways. Should the scenario just presented turn out to be valid, there is no way that any of them could ever hold their heads up again - or so sane people would think. Yet, they have a way of excusing the past and rationalizing ( as best they can) their acceptance of the very ones they castigated. None of this will make any sense to the rest of us. But, to them, in their own little microcosm of life, it will be justifiable.
I feel certain that there is much more on the Jeff Schoep/Anthony Pierpont than we have heard to date. There are many on the racist right who are still fuming over Pierpont and who consider him no more than last week's garbage. It will be interesting to see how many of his naysayers flock around him if he ever resurfaces. I've said it many times before, and I don't mind saying it all again - the racist "Movement" really isn't about anything other than money and a little bit of power. Those who know how to manipulate large groups of people float right to the top of the hate ladder where they manipulate others into doing their bidding and forking over the greenbacks while they are saying yes sir to their leader. None of this is based on principles or beliefs. It is merely a way to give the anguished someone to blame while the fleecing continues.
*ping* Nikki- All of your posted photos for this piece are red X's on this end.
ReplyDeleteJust letting you know.
Thanks for letting me know that! Hopefully, I fixed it.
ReplyDeleteThanx, Nikki, looks better now!
ReplyDeleteWhere is the IRS about these WN getting money that they don't report as income to the IRS?
ReplyDeleteExcellent question - perhaps we need to look into that.
ReplyDeleteSo...Blevins, it is erroneous in fact where?
ReplyDeleteA better question to ask Blevins is why he was barred by Roanoke County court from ever seeing his kids again unsupervised?
ReplyDeleteA hint is by unscrambling this word
I know and I'll be releasing the pdf files from it soooon. Blevins & White's spin will be the documents from Roanoke COunty court are forged.
As usual Schwartzo the KIKE, all you'll do is Shit & fall back in it.
ReplyDeleteYou've been making this empty threat about Von for years. You need to either put up or shut the Fuck up.
Oh goody! I just love "Show & Tell" Harry! I have a feeling that things are going to get very rough for some key players over the next few months.
ReplyDeleteIf anyone, anywhere, and at any time ever doubts what these people are all about - just go to Hal Turner's site and look at the Ethnic Cleansing Guide that he has for download. There can be no doubt.
ReplyDeleteif Blevins thinks what happened to him in Sarasota was bad last year, just wait..... when the timing is just right.....
ReplyDeleteAnd there's nothing Blevins can do about it either.
Oh me, Nikki Lover Girl, you are in for such a let down by waiting for Schwartzo the KIKE to fulfill even one of his empty threats. He told so many Bullshit stories & lies on Hal's old message board that he became a laughing stock.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, the Enthnic cleansing guide on Hal's is good reading. Didn't you see where all those Jigaboo Apes attacked all those White people? They need to swing by the neck on a lamppost for all to see on the court house square.
Just remember what happened to Michael Blevins last year.
ReplyDeleteIt cost his wife's daycare $1,000s of dollars in lost revenue when two families stopped going there.
In fact, right after that, a creditor got a judgment against Bernie for not paying her bills according to Sarasota county court records online.
And it's going to get to worse for Blevins.
So much for nothing happening right pedo?
You had nothing to do with that, you Nigger Dick Sucker.
ReplyDeleteJudgements aren't anything but toilet paper for ones who get them. If you don't believe it; just ask DickHeadTV. Hell, I was able to buy my house through the bank with it on my record...
Even though you named my Dick Pedo; your latest request to suck it is still denied...
Bill White's rally in Winchester never happened. White couldn't get ANYONE to show up with him in Winchester.
ReplyDeleteThe appointed hour came and went, and the threatened neo-Nazi march on Winchester never materialized.
Instead, the only literature passed out on Friday featured not messages of hate from the National Socialist Movement of Northern Virginia — which had threatened to hold a 2 p.m. rally on the steps of Rouss City Hall to protest immigration policies — but one of unity.
“Reasonable people can disagree on immigration policy,” said Katie Pitcock of the Latino Connection, a local Hispanic advocacy group that presented the fliers. “But real Americans do not advocate discrimination and hate. A lot of people were here to show (the NSM) that racism is not acceptable in our community.”
The hate group failed to show up despite threats of legal action against the city if it were stopped from having the rally as planned.
That was fine with Winchester Councilor Michael L. Butler.
“To have these people come in and disrupt such a major event so special to us would have been distasteful,” he said, referring to the 79th Shenandoah Apple Blossom Festival. “If they had come, they’d have seen how this community opposes such hate.”
Meanwhile, just three blocks away, Mexican-Americans and other Winchester residents celebrated the Mexican holiday Cinco de Mayo.
A Hispanic teenager showed a young white girl how to make a tissue-paper flower.
A Latino boy and a white boy laughed as they played knights with toy swords.
“The only thing we have to worry about now is good weather for the parades,” said City Manager Edwin C. Daley. “It’s nice to support diversity and have events that bring us together. This is a community that supports itself.”
First, to the NIM Busters: I didn't call a rally in Winchester.
Ken Krauss runs the Winchester unit.
Second, I don't finance the NSM. In fact, they've even waved my dues for life. I think I've given $120.
Now, I spend money to meet my costs while supporting the NSM, but that is on things like airline tickets, gas, legal fees, et cetera.
Third, why do I even stop in at blogs like this? Of course, its just a waste of time.
Its really pretty laughable that people can believe this stuff. Seeing this pathological obsession with the NSM extend into this kind of delusional thinking is, well, weird.
Anthony Pierpont is behind the latest NSM venture NSM88 Records.
ReplyDeleteTeaches me to read the whole thing before I comment.
Anyways, everyone in the NSM knows who is behind the NSM88Records venture, and its not me and its not Anthony Pierpont.
And it ends up with us back all having sex tours in Thailand.
Yeah, we're all homosexual welfare Jews. You got us.
Well I'll be Fuck. The delete button comes to life again. I hope you're not looking for another Net war. I saved this post. It will posted more than not...
ReplyDeleteSomeone wrote about the wonders of Fucked up Diversity. How could anyone want Mongrelization of a White America? A White America is the only way this country will come close to surviving.
Look at the country of Zimbabwe. Their government ran off the White farmers and turned the farms over to Niggers. The country was virtually starving in two years. Niggers can only survive in their natural habitat which is the Jungle. They don't understand how to act as humans in regular society.
Bill White is really upset that his rally in Winchester totally flopped with no one expecting to come to it except himself. So he no showed himself. He's so upset, he had to post 3 times in a row about it.
ReplyDeleteBill White is also too afraid to do a rally in Roanoke. You figure with dozens of NSM Roanoke members that White claims to have, White would have done one by now.
No, scratch that, White claims to be the most popular white person in Roanoke.
No, scratch that, White claims Roanoke is 100% white now. But yet WHite complains about the drugs, prostitution, corrupt government, and other problems in his all white Roanoke. Give me East ST. Louis anyday.
What's wrong White? Afraid to rally in Roanoke?
Hell no, Schwartzp the KIKE won't. We all know that all he will ever do is Shit and fall back in it.
ReplyDeleteVonbluvens lies again.
ReplyDeleteI've never said Bill White drove you around Roanoke to pick up prostitutes. Nice try but like Holsten, your lies don't work around here.
And nice of you to admit that your wife did you accuse you of abusing her and your kids. The court agreed and ordered you to stay away from your own biological children forever because of it. They believed her over you. The court believed you did abuse her and your kids. They didn't believe a word you said. Your ex-wife gets social security checks for your children for the child support.
Vonbluvens calls for violence but is too much of a coward to do it himself. He's too much of a coward to do any nazi activism in Sarasota. Steve praises white on minority violence.
Vonbluvens receives a mental disability check each month. He has a lenghty history of substance abuse and has spent numerous hospitalizations due to mental health reasons and substance abuse.
The reason Vonbluvens was kicked out of 1529 Patterson was for substance abuse which violates the Roanoke at Home agreement that he disengage in substance. Vonbluvens is a habitual abuser of drugs or/and alcohol. Vonbluvens praised the 911 attacks at first, then changed his mind when the nazi spin was the Jews did the 911 attacks themselves.
But one good thing about Vonbluvens and Bill White. The attendance has been dropping at nazi rallys. Billy Roper got over 300 in the street five years ago. Last year before Bill White took over the NSM, they got over 150 in Yorktown.
This year, they got 75 in Lansing.
Bill White got zero to show up at his rally in Waynesboro & out of embarassment, no showed in Waynesboro.
And if you notice, Vonbluvens supports Chris Holsten and other sexual predators on child porn stings by the police
Bill White is now claiming a nazi rally did happen yesterday in Winchester.
ReplyDeleteJust read his latest press release about a nazi rally in Chicago. He says the NSM rallied without police support in Winchester yesterday.
Bill White also says on here he stiffs the NSM out of their monthly dues from him each month.
Damn, this Fucking KIKE Schwartzo is so ignorant that he can't even keep his stories straight. You're spewing so much Shit out of your hole that you can't keep up with it all. Since when was my son arrested for child porn? He was entrapped and lured by Chat. It had nothing to do with child porn.
ReplyDeleteAnd KIKE, do you not see that Von doesn't give a Flying Fuck if you post his Divorce papers?
It's like this Schwartzo the KIKE; you don't scare Von or I. You'd just as well move on and find others who you might luck out and bluff.
Von, Schwartzo the KIKE is the only one that I've saw threaten violence when it comes to you and him. Schwartzo is a big Pussy who likes to run his hole about others, but he never backs it up.
To the Anonymous Pussy FuckTard running his hole about Bill White:
Bill said his dues are waived since he spends so much of his personal money on court hearings & etc. So he hasn't stiffed anyone, DickHead...
Elmer is just upset that he can't accept that he is a queer.
ReplyDeleteSteevo the Queero.
Sorry Unit 9 who sucks 9 Dicks a day. I am not into your Faggotry.
ReplyDelete"I don't drink AT ALL...I hate alcohol."--Vonnie
WTF?!! What kind of a "White Power" dude are you? I've never met a single skinhead that wouldn't sit and knock back at least a few beers.
Are you some kind of Xstr8edgeX guy!!!LOL!!!
Also, I'll be sure to spread your fucking Nazi scumfuc addy on all the better gay messageboard sites in the country...
Tell "Juano" I said "Howdy"!!!!
But really dude, that is tough that you don't drink at all. I mean, if I were you I would want to get plastered and stay that way. At least every single time I looked in the mirror and was wearing a FUCKING GAY ASS NAZI BOYSCOUT UNIFORM!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI guess maybe Tards just can't handle alot of alcohol. Oh well, more beer for me!!!
So many bad vibes here, dears! Well, Edna understands. Still, she thinks it's incredibly kinky and amusing that some people still get dressed up in those camp Nazi uniforms in public. We don't have that in the UK (well, except for members of the Royal Family, of course, and even there it's seen as poor etiquette). Moreover, the British National Party (our chief far-right party) got its best-ever results at last week's local elections BUT it's had to adopt a "caring, compassionate" facade in order to be even slightly electable. Yee hah!
ReplyDeleteStop lying Vonbluvens. I see you must be off your seroquel and depakote again. If I were going to nail you, I wouldn't be stupid to do it where you would cry to cops calling 911 at your own house.
ReplyDeleteYou were expelled from 1529 Patterson because of your substance abuse problem which is related to your mental illness, whatever that may be. They even posted a notice on the door stating you were expelled off the property. You must have been off your seroquel for a while also.
Your ex-wife must be one credible liar in order for you to be telling the truth. And the judge who sided with her 100% must be lying also.
Just think, you are so unhuman that a judge ordered you never to see your own two children again unsupervised. Think about it. A judge declares you were so harmful to your own biological children, he ordered to stay away from them forever. And don't deny it, you even wrote a letter to the Roanoke Times complaining the judge wouldn't allow you to see your own kids for Christmas. You must have done something really horribly abusive to them to get a judge to agree to that.
You got drunk & high with George Hutchins on numerous times. You even had a drunken Hitler birthday party with him at a hotel. Who knows what happened after both of you got drunk in that hotel room.
And we could discuss your suicide attempt, lame as it was. But I'll leave that for another thread. And I also notice you got back together with Bernie after she threw you out for about two months. Don't lie about that one either. But since she is a nazi also, you can beat the hell out of her for all I care.
Finally Vonbluvens, you should understand copyright law & fair use law before you make an ass of out yourself again.
I wish I could do violence on the Lying Assed Nigger Loving Hook Nose Jewboy KIKE Schwartzo. I wish I could knock the T-Total Fuck out of him. He lies when the truth would be better. I can't believe you keep spewing your Shit lies about Von without proof to back them up.
ReplyDeleteharry Schwartz said:
ReplyDelete"Stop lying Vonbluvens. I see you must be off your seroquel and depakote again. If I were going to nail you, I wouldn't be stupid to do it where you would cry to cops calling 911 at your own house.
You were expelled from 1529 Patterson because of your substance abuse problem which is related to your mental illness, whatever that may be. They even posted a notice on the door stating you were expelled off the property. You must have been off your seroquel for a while also.
Your ex-wife must be one credible liar in order for you to be telling the truth. And the judge who sided with her 100% must be lying also.
Just think, you are so unhuman that a judge ordered you never to see your own two children again unsupervised. Think about it. A judge declares you were so harmful to your own biological children, he ordered to stay away from them forever. And don't deny it, you even wrote a letter to the Roanoke Times complaining the judge wouldn't allow you to see your own kids for Christmas. You must have done something really horribly abusive to them to get a judge to agree to that.
You got drunk & high with George Hutchins on numerous times. You even had a drunken Hitler birthday party with him at a hotel. Who knows what happened after both of you got drunk in that hotel room.
And we could discuss your suicide attempt, lame as it was. But I'll leave that for another thread. And I also notice you got back together with Bernie after she threw you out for about two months. Don't lie about that one either. But since she is a nazi also, you can beat the hell out of her for all I care.
Finally Vonbluvens, you should understand copyright law & fair use law before you make an ass of out yourself again."
Wow, OMG.
You tore that nazi a new one. I never saw anyone get beaten up so badly in internet debate. Judging by your post this vonbluvens cretin must be the most pathetic individual in the world. I wanna know what he did to his kids to make the judge punish him like that (dress them up in nazi uniforms and molest them while scremaing Heil Hitler???)
Vonbluvens continues his lying streak..
ReplyDeleteThe only one who talks about prostitutes on a regular basis is Bill White.
Yes Vonbluvens, Bill White is the one who said you were being driven around to pick up prostitutes. He just posted it under a false nym.
But Bill White totally owns you Vonbluvens and will control you for the rest of your life so there's nothing you can do about it.
In fact, Bill White thinks so much about prostitution that a simple google search will reveal 103 times that Bill has talked about the subject.
Google search
And remember, Vonbluvens is so unhuman that he isn't allowed to see his own biological children.
And JerseyGirl is Bernadette and Fonzie is Dominick Feragola III from the old Vonbluvens shows. So his wife and family are nazis also.
One thing I suspect Vonbluvens is telling the truth on is that he LOVES his step-daughter Amanda. I don't doubt one bit that Vonbluvens shows his LOVE for her.
Classic Michael BLevins classic post from usenet before he became Vonbluvens
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ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteYour ex-wife must be one credible liar
ReplyDeleteVon's ex-wife is the daughter of a wealthy man who spoils her, which combined with her demonic qualities, makes her one hell of a liar..
The question we are not allowed to ask is where is our dues money is actually going.
ReplyDeleteMaybe you missed the presentation at Nationals, complete with pie charts and dollar figures, letting the membership know exactly where the NSM takes in and spends it money.
Or, maybe you're not a real member but one of these absolutely ridiculous antifa.
Remember -- we're all gay welfare Jews.
Bill White got zero to show up at his rally in Waynesboro
What's wrong White? Afraid to rally in Roanoke?
ReplyDeleteWhy? Are you going to drive up for it?
If you did a rally in Roanoke, I would show up to protest against it.
ReplyDeleteHow about this saturday Bill? May 13, 2006.
Name the location, make it public in the Roanoke Times and I'll show up to protest against it.
Since you claim to have 100s of followers in Roanoke, you shouldn't have a problem now would you with dozens showing up in stormtrooper outfits.
This saturday. I'll read the Roanoke Times for the time and public place of your public NAZI rally.
Bill White, you are saying Vonbluvens is attracted to demonic women & that his own children were mothered by a demon?
ReplyDeletenrkybill sued the author of the Hate Directory in Maryland.
ReplyDeleteHow did the case turn out Bill?
One of these days someone will stomp a mudhole in the Lying Assed Faggot Hook Nose KIKE Schwartzo and walk it dry for telling his lies.
ReplyDeleteHe just cannot stop telling lies on decent White guys like Von.
Schwartzo the KIKE is so sorry that he wasn't born a stinking Assed dark black big lip Nigger Buck with Brillo Pad hair.
Here is a small list of some of the people that Bill White has sued in civil court.
BOISSEAU, JAMES E - (White testified against in court)
SELTZER, SUSAN NADINE - (white testified against in court)
HEDRICK, TERRY JOSEPH - (white testified against in court)
And your point is???
ReplyDeleteIt is very simple..
ReplyDeleteBill White= a punk and a coward who will slander me on his website but has refused numerous times to meet with me face to face without threatning some sort of legal or police action.
Vonbluvens= a mentally deranged halfwit who got himself kicked out of a boarding house and is also fond of telling people i had something to do with him getting his ass kicked. never stops to think that maybe it was his actions that resulted in that?
Holsten= a pederast and the father of a pederast. his son is headed to the hoosegow where, unless he is in protective custody, he wont last a week.
Damn, will these Nigger Loving Faggots ever stop coming out of the wood work with their Faggot desires for us good Whites?
ReplyDeleteWe will be heading up to Western Maryland on monday to close on a house and I'll probably there for the week.
ReplyDeleteI'll probably take a break driving up there and talk to some fine folks in Roanoke.
Watch out Bill, the KIKE Schwartzo will be trying to find you to ask you to let him suck your Dick...
ReplyDeletea punk and a coward who will slander me on his website but has refused numerous times to meet with me face to face without threatning some sort of legal or police action.
ReplyDeleteJosh: I'm glad we've made you upset.
I thought tough guys like you just snuck up like ninjas and assassinated people like me without the police ever catching on?
At least Erica isn't afraid of going to prison for her beliefs ... or for her drinking, or her stealing, or her violent outbursts and emotional disorder.
Some of us actually work for a living you elitist trust funder.
ReplyDeleteHi Josh Hoyt and / or associate.
How did the case turn out Bill?
ReplyDeleteI don't know what case you're talking about.
I sued some anarchists for libel at one point and got a judgment I've never been able to collect. Maybe you could point them out for me. :-D Bill afraid of someone sneaking up and wacking him out of the blue?
ReplyDeleteImagine that....