Judge says man is too short for prison
(5/25/06 - SIDNEY, NE) - A judge said a 5-foot-1 man convicted of sexually assaulting a child was too small to survive in prison, and gave him 10 years of probation instead.
His crimes deserved a long sentence, District Judge Kristine Cecava said, but she worried that Richard W. Thompson, 50, would be especially imperiled by prison dangers.
"You are a sex offender, and you did it to a child," she said.
But, she said, "That doesn't make you a hunter. You do not fit in that category."
Thompson will be electronically monitored the first four months of his probation, and he was told to never be alone with someone under age 18 or date or live with a woman whose children were under 18. Cecava also ordered Thompson to get rid of his pornography.
He faces 30 days of jail each year of his probation unless he follows its conditions closely.
"I want control of you until I know you have integrated change into your life," the judge told Thompson. "I truly hope that my bet on you being OK out in society is not misplaced."
Considering judicial rulings aginst the Ten Commandments and the Pledge of Allegiance, as well as rulings for gay marriage and elective abortion, there are a lot of judges on crack as far as I'm concerned.
ReplyDeleteWhether or not this guy would have a hard time in prison should not have been considered. Anyone who sexually assaults a child needs to be taken off the street - period. Since you antifas have so much experience in posting other peoples' addresses, perhaps you could post this judge's official business address so we can write to him and protest his decision.
However, it's true that, being both short and white, he'd be a favorite target in our predominantly non-white prisons. Remember the guy who assaulted James Byrd in Texas? He was radicalized in prison from being anally raped by a black, and was forced to join the Aryan Brotherhood simply out of self-defense. Unfortunately, upon his release, he couldn't turn that mode off, and he exacted vengeance upon an innocent man.
We need serious prison reform so that a con who simply wants to be left alone and do his time can do so. Cameras are no substitute for properly trained corrections officers.
Are you sure you want to include Einstein?
ReplyDeleteI mean, he was a JEW.
The state of Nebraska is appealing the sentence. They can always put him in protective custody in prison.
ReplyDeleteKANSAS CITY, Missouri (Reuters) - Nebraska will appeal a judge's decision not to send a convicted child molester to prison because his slight stature might subject him to abuse behind bars, the state attorney general said on Friday.
So, Jews are intelligent
ReplyDeleteSo why do you hate them?
AA: "Considering judicial rulings aginst the Ten Commandments and the Pledge of Allegiance, as well as rulings for gay marriage and elective abortion, there are a lot of judges on crack as far as I'm concerned."
ReplyDeleteRe: The Pledge of Allegiance, see here, here and here.
I pledge allegiance, to the flag, of the United Satanists of America, and to the Republic, for which it stands, ONE IRON SCEPTER OF STRENGTH, poised rightly over the head of whosoever should seek to thwart our earthly indulgence. Lo, this arrow of supreme , swift, and killing trajectory shall plummet downward, upon the churlish indolence and arrogance of our enemies, and cast our flaming foes into the vast abyss beyond, from which there is no escape.
Hail America!
God is POWER!
--Borg Mephistopheles
Stefan: "Dariush, I believe you have the ability to inform the FBI about EB's behavior [if he made death threats]..."
If I was actually worried about something, maybe... and I mean maybe... but empty threats are no cause for schvitzing like a mule.
Besides, taking stupid internet "battles" into the real world is, like, sooooooo EB.
I myself have had so many seriously unstable individuals "report me to the authorities" over things I've said online (none of which consisted of threats of any kind), that it's like water off my back by this point.
I remember this one 'tard who would brag to me about his "five-digit salary" (no, I'm not kidding) and who, practically every week, would "drop the dime" on me to one alphabet agency or another.
Hey, do you still have the link to that funny ass video about the differences between the internet and the real world?
LOL! EB’s value to this blog is negative.
ReplyDeleteDariush, I believe you have the ability to inform the FBI about EB’s behavior [if he made death threats] since it is illegal to make threats via the internet without using your real name. --Arsehole
You have no fucking sense of humor do you, rich boy?
And, would you care to specify what "death threats" I've supposedly made?
I can assure you, that it won't stand up in a court of law; not the way I write. I very rarely write anything that isn't "tongue-in-cheek" , or doesn't include a few various interpretations of wording and meaning.
If you mean the post that I think you mean, well, it was hardly a death threat. It was, for the most part, a joke aimed back at my own "neurotic" self. If Dariush misunderstood, then I apologize intensely.
You really are a piece of work, aren't you, Stefan? You've had everything handed to you on silver platter your entire life, and yet you insist on whining, pissing, and moaning your way through post after torpid post, sniveling and spewing racism and invective against groups of people who've done you no wrong.
You've never lived life, yet you feel you have the authority to pass judgement on others.
Well, I imagine that there are a few people who would be interested in your own controversial opinions concerning race, the Holocaust, Jews, African Americans, ect.
You are aware, I take it, that your views do not constitute the mainstream of American thought? That they have resulted in academic dismissals, firings, and virtual blacklisting of even very "educated" people, such as yourself?
Don't EVER try to take the moral highground with me, you contentious, pestiferous, spoiled brat. You oafish, socially-awkward, overpriviledged misfit; do you think the world is lining up to take your lead?
Hardly. You're a "freak" in this day and age. You don't belong, and what's more, you KNOW you don't belong. Hence, you live out a life vicariously through the internet keyboard.
Until someone upsets you, then you flee like an injured puppy, with your tail between your legs.
Did daddy teach you that all "niggers" were bad? Did he assure you that your wealth, whiteness, and priviledge were enough to insulate you from having to take a good, hard look at who you are, and why you constitute such a sucking black hole of nothingness?
You've never struggled in your life, for anything; never known what it was to want, hurt, be hated, vilified, mocked, cursed, condemned, spat upon, or been on the very edge of the abyss of death, not knowing if you even care to see another sunrise?
No. No, and no again.
You're a pampered, spoiled, suburban punk who lacked the personality to flow with the rest of the fish in his own social swimming pool. No one cared enough to have anything to do with you, but that was okay; you were insulated in your self-created haven of "I'm better because I'm a Rich White Snot."
Fuck you, kid. I tried being polite to you, listening to you, back in the old days. You've since ceased to be amusing; now, you're like the same brown note, played over and over again.
Go die.
"EB, you are not consequential. You are a substitute teacher and an obscure author"--Stefan Schmidt
Best damn obscure author you'll never read.
Plus, I like my job quite well. May become a regular teacher someday, or an ordained Spiritualist minister, or sell a book to a press that actually matters.
But I don't measure success in monetary numbers.
"EB, your insults are getting old. Your insults mean nothing to me. I don’t take the opinions of substitute teachers seriously."--Stefan Schmidt
But they're getting better! Lord, even I didn't know I was this good until I started blogging.
"...my life has yet to begin but your life is already over."--Stefan Schmidt
Ah, God, would that you were correct in that, Stefan. I can't WAIT to see what the "other side" is really like.
Ah, but I have too much work to do. At this rate, I'll never get to die.
Plus, if I don't equal out this bloody karma, I'm gonna be trapped here for quite some time before I get to go up...
"Your presence was beginning to dwindle with my [1 month] absence—now, you’re at it again."--Stefan Schmidt
Acchhhhh!!!!!!!! ROTFLMAOH!!!!!!!!
Oh yeah, baby, I lay awake at night dreaming about you.
"I am surprised you can even afford a computer and an internet connection."--Daddy Warbucks
Now, what else should I expect from some trust fund kid, but such arrogance?
Well, don't you worry little Buddha, I'm quite well taken care of as far as money.
(Now where did I put that tin cup?)
Schmidt, I am sick of you, Dari dearie, blogging, politics, the NSM, the race world,Hal Turner, ad infinitum, ad nauseum.
I'm gonna disappear, shut down this current blogger ID, and maybe come back in a month as somebody new. And, I'm gonna do all I can to disguise my own particular style, as difficult as that might be.
So you may catch me when you can, Mishter Schmidt. If you can.
So watch out.
Nikki, if you could, please remove the phony name "Everetts Brevard" from your list of contributors. I am sick to death of that name, and I am going to come up with a brand new persona in a short while.
Perhaps even my secret identity! (Gasp!)
I shall return,
Not EB
Er, one final thing Stefan: Don't be so bloody arrogant.
ReplyDelete"Pride is all well and good till you throw out the baby with the bathwater"--A.S.L.
Remember: We're ALL one financial collapse away from selling apples on a street corner somewhere.
No one is invincible.
Not even you.
The Late Everretts Brevard
You can also argue genetics on any human issue. The genetics of a white man with an IQ of 70 is different then the genetics of a black man with a IQ of 130.
ReplyDeleteOr even within the same race, you take someone who has an IQ of 70 and compare against someone of the same race with 150 and you'll find there are genetic differences.
But yet in studies of identical twins who have the same genetics, you'll find they end up having many differences including IQ, psychological and even physical differences. One example is the Conseco twins. Jose Conseco was a great baseball player.. this identical twin brother Ozzie couldn't hit a baseball with a lick.