White is also taking umbrage with what he reports was a thirty minute harangue about him delivered by Brien James.
According to White, members of the Vinlanders, the Imperial Klans of America, and the Keystone State Skinheads attacked five NSM members. The NSM members were encouraged to file charges but refused. Also according to White, these members had been "invited" to speak at Nordic Fest. This is not the first time that violence has been a part of this event.
This is the event where Hal Turner claimed he would present a list of people in government and what should be done to them.
We have been reporting over and over that there are a number of racists and racist groups out there who really have no use for the National Socialist Movement and their antics - and that there are a lot of racists who see Bill White as anything other than a leader. And...he really lacks the understanding of what hardcore racism is all about.
Funny that the only kind of "hard core racism" supported by "anti-racist" groups is the pathological criminality of the Vinlanders and the Keystone State Skinheads -- two groups who are so "racist" that they have banned the swastika, denounced national socialism, and pledged to "kill" any "Nazis" that they see.
ReplyDeleteThe fact is that the Vinlanders, the Keystone State Skinheads, and the Imperial Klans of America are radical *anti-racist* groups -- Brien James in particular has been a marginal and radical anti-racist for a long time. I think this incident has brought that into focus for a lot of the movement.
Their Nordicfest drew about one third as many people as it has in previous years, and will probably be a non-event by 2007.
And Bill White is coming to stand with the Klan in Sharpsburg in a few weeks with the Keystone State Skinheads.
ReplyDeleteMaybe they will continue their dislike of the NSM.......
But because it is a public event, Bill White has nothing to fear. If it were private, White wouldn't show.
It should be noted that the Sharpsburg rally is being run by the Imperial Klans of America.
ReplyDeleteBill's going to violate his own order by showing up.
What about that, Bill? Are you doing Sharpsburg or Buffalo? The Klan or Josh Hoyt? Which will it be?
ReplyDeleteNow, Brien James might just have something to say to your claims. Betcha he thinks that you are pretty "marginal" as well.
Watch the cockroach dance Nikki.
ReplyDeleteIt just dawned...
ReplyDeleteDoesn't the NSM crying to the Kentucky State Police make them snitches?
LOL! It's funny, but according to Bill's account (and we all know about Bill), "The National Socialist Movement's leadership spoke tonight to the Kentucky State Police, who were prepared to arrest James, Edwards and others on charges of felony mob assault, but did not do so because the members who were attacked refused to press charges, despite orders from National Headquarters to the contrary."
ReplyDeleteSo...that would make the "leadership" snitches and the attacked members insubordinate - right?
And of course, they "expected" something like this.
"The National Socialist Movement was aware of the potential for violence at Nordicfest. We were further aware that the National Socialist Movement had been invited to speak at Nordicfest under suspicious circumstances. As a result, none of our national leadership was in attendance and we had generally advised our members not to attend the event. Those members who did attend the event did so against our better judgment and at their own risk."
Ain't brotherly love great?
The Vinlanders are antifa now?? Well I guess I owe them all a few rounds!! But to get serious for a second the notion that Brien James and his crew are "supported by us" it is a show of White's desperation to spin this tale and as usual it is a straight up lie. That being said, in this isolated case I sure as hell understand why what went down, went down. Bill has been flapping his jaw for years about the man (James) of course never having the balls or the integrity to say any of this man to man, though as I understand it James offered the oppertunity several times. How in the hell did the NSM think this was going to go over? They have spent more time denouncing other racist groups than they have doing anything else. Bill's ego got people hurt. I'm sure snitching to the police (something that is pretty much Bill White stock and trade) is not going to help repair anything. You would think this little lesson might be enough to shut Bill's mouth? Well you would have thought wrong! He then goes on to TALK EVEN MORE SHIT about Brien James. I guess it is easy to do though behind his keyboard and when it was James' fists thumping somebody elses skull. Bill of course does what he always does, he calls James a coward and invites him to his private property in Roanoke knowing full well that his intentions are to run to the police. (He has pulled this same shit with me.) I have been to Roanoke and on both occasions called Bill up to let him know I would be in town and if he wanted to cash in his chips that we could meet up somewhere in public and settle it. And for Bill White or the NSM to start calling other people criminals is absurd. The NSM is the group with a convicted sex offender among its rank(Snyder), a welfare junkie (Schoup), a couple of petty criminals (Schneider and Blevins) and that is just scratching the surface!!! They are the bottom rung, the pits. Harry hit the nail dead on when he said the reason Bill did not show up is because this was a private event and he would have no protection. I am going to jump to a conclusion here but I think it is a safe one. In fact Nikki and I talked about this. We both thought that the NSM would be finished this year! I thought they might be able to stretch it until the fall. I was off by 5 months. Sometimes its good to be wrong.
Yeah, we did talk about that. And I think you are right. Little bits and pieces are starting to come in on who was there and what happened - I would like to know the whole story without a Bill White spin.
ReplyDeleteSome people are claiming that this was a set-up of the NSM by the other groups.
It seems that Steve and Adrian Boswell, along with Adrian's wife, were there.
I love you Josh!!
ReplyDeleteThe whole WN movement is a disaster, Schmitty.
ReplyDeleteAnd once you take your head out of your ass in this obsession you have with having to classify the human race into phoney stats and numbers, you see that you are chasing a pile of bullshit heavely armed with your own lack of life experience.
This is not about "race pride" and "brotherhood", it's about social misfits who cannot get along in the real world or with each other.
You want to stay the course with trying to intellectualise and rationalise this type of mental illness with all your pseudo science babble?
Fine, but you have seen the inside of the belly of the beast, so if you find it has swallowed you whole, chewed your soul beyond repair and spit you out for the boneheads to feast on whatever is left, you will have nobody but yourself to blame.
There was no incident. One person got expelled for bringing in illegal drugs and it was an NSM member. There was no fight, no violence, and nearly everyone had a good White time.
ReplyDeleteWhy Bill White is trying to divide up us good white people I don't know.
Were you there?
ReplyDeleteRacist gang warfare. You gotta love it. I hope Bill White is telling the truth for once.
ReplyDeleteActually, the other side has yet to be heard from. However, there was a fight - and some people got some lumps.
ReplyDeleteYou know, Stefan - you really are showing a rather supercilious attitude here. For your edification, the spellings that you have deemed incorrect are not incorrect at all. "Phoney" is a perfectly acceptable variant of "phony." 1
ReplyDelete"intellectualise" is the British spelling 2 as is "rationalise"3 both of which are totally acceptable.
It is this kind of haughtieness that causes others to rancor at your presentation. We all know that you are intelligent - but we also know that you are but a child when it comes to what we have seen and lived.
ReplyDeleteNow, you approach us here with your "statistics" and "numbers" and "sources" and can't understand why we aren't buying - after all, you have "evidence."
Stefan, I'm not a statistician - as a matter of fact, I hate all math. But, I particularly dislike it when someone seems to think that numbers don't lie. Yes they do. If nothing else, they lie by omission. The human race is far too complicated, Stefan to be explained, rationalized, or pigeon-holed by numbers.
I realize that you are attempting to make some kind of sense out of this craziness - and somehow or another, you ended up in a morass of hatred and racism and bigotry - and now you are trying to justify it. You can't. You will never be able to.
I sincerely hope that you do not waste all of that intelligence and dedication. Do something worthwhile. Find a cure for a dreaded disease. Determine what we, as a people, can do to better the human race and achieve peace. Hell, the possibilities are endless - that is unless you limit your gifts to something so debase as trying to prove that one group of people deserves more than another.
Stefan - I know what [sic] stands for - by using it and placing your spelling of "phoney" in italics - you were taking what you thought was a dig at "anonymous" - you know it and so do I.
ReplyDeleteAnd the truth is starting to come out.
ReplyDeleteStormfront thread
One day, someone is really going to harm Bill White and 99% chance it will be WN.
Ya know, I keep saying that Bill White is going to get someone killed. It may be him.
ReplyDeleteFinally, I think his lies are catching up with him and this whole convoluted story about 50 guys attacking 5 NSM guys is just ridiculous. It does my heart good, however, to see how many others realize precisely what Bill White is.
This was posted for Brien James, head of the Vinlanders:
Statement from the Vinlanders Social Club
I am not going to say anything in any certain terms, so as not to
possibly incriminate anyone. However if a fight allegedly
occurred at the Nordic Fest event, it started as a one on one
altercation between the NSM speaker and member of the the
VSC (Vinlanders Social Club). This was due to accusations leveled at
the VSC in the NSM speech.
The NSM has continually leveled every accusation imaginable at the VSC,
while our only problems with them have stemmed only
from their membership (present and past) consisting of convicted sex
offenders and informants.
Example for sex offenders...(former member John snyder in marion county
Indiana...look it up)
Informants...(now PROVEN by their national office calling for charges
against myself and others)
Alot of what Bill White has said specifically about EVERY single leader
in this movement including myself is not even fit to
print here, and having it said face to face is just one step too far.
It allegedly escalated into a group altercation which was quickly
broken up by the IKA security and other parties such as
the KSS, who seen that the NSM members were desparately outmatched and
that the lopsided fight did not need to continue.
I am not going to claim to have seen everything that went on, but I can
positively say that it went from an argument, to
a one on one altercation, to a group battle. Any of you in here who are
worth your salt understand that when the
battle lines are drawn, you dont stop to count how many men are on each
side, you just defend yourself. That is what was
done, and it was not overdone. We understand that the individuals who
were there representing the NSM are there out of bad
judgement and ignorance, and they WERE GIVEN QUARTER ACCORDINGLY. It
could have been much worse.
No one owes anyone who is backing a proven informant like Bill White an
apology. But I would like to say that any real
Nationalist who wants to abandon the NSM can do so now and approach the
nearest council group in peace. We know there
are some good men in the NSM, just bad leadership, and never again do
we want to see anyone shunned for the actions of
Bill White, Jeff Schoep, Mark Martin and others. A The time for talk
and "drama" is over.
Anyone with some sense, or anyone who has been around awhile, can read
Bill Whites writings, as well as their concocted
version of the events and my repsonse, and pick out the truth. They
have also PUBLICLY stated their willingness to work
with the police. Anyone who backs informants becomes an informant. End
of story.
P.S. Ive heard alot of things said about me since i formed the council,
but this accusation of a Jewish financed council
28 out of Chicago has to be the most bizarre thing ever. Do we really
need to even answer to that?
These nazi fetishist freaks are delusional. The original brownshirts
handled their problems like men, even against bad
apples within their own ranks at times. Those men would puke all over
Jeff Schoep and the mockery he makes of that uniform.
Brien James
Did Bill get his fat ass kicked? Or did those new running shoes come in handy?
ReplyDeleteBlevins, Your petty criminal history is well known. When I visited Roanoke and came to meet you the boarding house where you had been staying had a sign that said you were banned from the property. Why? The other men living there filled me in on the details so lets see if you can tell the truth. I'm sure Harry or Tony could dig up plenty of run ins. Domestic abuse perhaps? Ok at any rate this is the latest trash talk from the NSM. This comes off of their "Nuke Israel site." I will add my own comments.
ReplyDeletePAYBACK IS A BITCH!(Yeah nothing spells payback like talking it up on your website.)
NSM Members attacked at Nordic Fest by mob of cowards
IKA security just stood and watched
It started right after the honorable Sgt Boswell gave an excellent speech calling for white unity and white activism.(His message also called the Vinlanders just a social club who do nothing but sit on their ass and drink beer. Gee wonder why they might be pissed?)
Some criminals in the crowd disliked his message. Members of the Vinlanders social club met Steve behind the stage and begin to rat-pack him just like a gang of niggers.Imperial Klans of America security just stood around and let the white niggers (Interesting how they use racial slurs against other racists.) attack. It was IKA actions or inaction that enabled this felon-assault/attempted murder. (If it went down like the NSM says it did then it sure as hell was not attempted murder! If the ratio was actually 10:1, which I doubt, and the intention was murder we would be having a very diffrent conversation.)
The imperial Klans of America is completely liable. (Sound like a threat to anybody?)
Other NSM members tried to stop the attack and the scene broke into a riot. Several of our brothers were severely attacked and nearly killed. (nearly? pity.)
There is nothing worse than a white traitor. (Yeah and on the day of the rope..blah blah balh..)
Jews will be jews. Niggers will be niggers. Non-white scum is simply not capable of being anything else. (Of course not now get my a bagle with lox and my best of Barbra Streisand album this is getting interesting!) But those whites whom commit acts of dishonor are far worse than any jew.(I'm sure that sentiment from the "Nazi party" is comforting to any Holocaust survivor.) These people are like those who raped Derek Vinyard in the crappy skinhead movie America History X.(Your boys got beat up not raped.)
Nazis on the outside but niggers on the inside.
Other groups exist in the White Racialist movement that are simply loaded with white traitors lacking aryan honor.(Like the National Socialist Movement for example?) These groups are very jealous of the NSM's unstoppable success. (If you guage success as pissing off as many regular people as possible, I suppose you are right.) Many of their members are former convicts who have engaged in homosexual activities in the big house.(So are yours, again who is the group with the convicted sex offender?) They live only to destroy.
To destroy the people around them and then destroy themselves through their own sheer stupidity.(Take a good long hard look in a mirror)
White-niggers who are scum of the scum and belong in prison.
But what if some of these dishonorable dogs lie their way into the NSM? (Nobody has to lie to get into the NSM all they have to do is fill out an online form and send in money.)
For example: the NSM has always been against drug use. What if some junkie joins? What if one of these scum is caught by the police cooking meth next to his swastika flag? Meth addiction is at an all time high. (no pun intended) (I am sure many of your members make up the meth head demographic, hell has anybody ever taken a good look as April Braun?) National Socialist Movement staff does all we can to weed out the freaks
but the larger we get the greater the chance that a lowlife will join. (Examples: Your own commander, Bill White, Matt Ramsey, Michael Blevins, Doc Schneider, Cliff Herrington, "Wild Bill" and the asshole who wrote this article.)
The solution is that All NSM members stay vigilant and expose those who
would destroy our glorious Reich because they rot in a sewer of dishonor.(No the solution is for people of good will to make sure your weeds don't take root in our community.) We need people to carefully investigate new members on a local level to verify
that they are indeed honorable. We must police ourselves and expel the
scum regardless of who they are! (If that be the case kick yourselves out and close up shop.)
Traitors, idiots, junkies and criminals in the movement are our greatest threat. (In other words the NSM is the greatest threat to the "movement?")
The attack on NSM members at Nordic Fest not only has created a huge rift between the NSM and other groups but has also brought dishonor to the entire white racialist movement.(Newsflash! Most other racists disliked you already.) Those who engaged in such niggerly-actions were doing the work of the Jew by giving the jewsmedia and the Anti-racists more material to use against us. (I can't say I didn't laugh.)
10 to 1 is hardly a fair fight: it is gangbanger behavior. These so called white racialists rat-packed some of the best men in our movement. Their day of justice will come soon. If you act like a nigger you will be treated like one. (Uh-oh that REALLY sounds like a threat!)
All NSM members are under strict orders not to associate with Imperial Klans of America, Nordic Fest, Vinlanders Social club or Keystone State Skinheads. National Socialist Movement comrades are prohibited from attending events hosted by or held in cooperation with any of these groups. (So now your "rallies" will consist of 6-7 people as opposed to 20 or 30?)
Hey Stefan, go out an nail a black woman. It will change your whole perspective, hell nail any woman, you need to loosen up.
ReplyDeleteOr maybe go nail a guy....I dunno.... whatever trips yer trigger.
From what I have read the beatings are a result of the NSM association with Bill White.
ReplyDeleteSo we have to agree that Bill White being an NSM member is good for antifa. He divides up the nazis more than any antifa ever could.
Listen to the Nigger Lovers piss and moan.
ReplyDeleteFine, but you have seen the inside of the belly of the beast, so if you find it has swallowed you whole, chewed your soul beyond repair and spit you out for the boneheads to feast on whatever is left, you will have nobody but yourself to blame. --EB
That is NOT mine.
Good Lord, you should know I write a darn sight better than that when I put my noggin to it.
I told you. No more "EB". Not now; not ever.
Not EB
This is just a laugh a minute - Yeah, you're right guys, I AM laughing at you!
ReplyDeleteHal Turner has a different take on what happened claiming that it last no more than a few seconds. When everyone seems to agree upon - everyone but Bill that is - is that a big part of the problem the others have with the NSM is Bill White.
We know he is not well liked among the racist crowd and we have been saying he is going to get someone hurt, when will any of these people ever learn?
Also - Bill claims that the attendance was about a third of what it usually is at Nordic Fest - Hal Turner says "several hundred" were there. So...who's lying?
ReplyDeleteThey will never learn and Jeff Schoep can't dismiss Bill White even if he wanted to now. Which is really good for our side.
Michael Blevins suffers from bi-polar disorder, schizophrenia, and past substance abuse. He currently is on Depakote, Seroquel and Lamitica to control his mental status. Blevins draws a social security check each month for being serverely mentally ill.
Michael Blevins is also prohibited by a Roanoke COunty judge from seeing his own children. According to his divorce documents, his ex-wife Suzanne, Blevins would beat her and she suspected he was abusing his own children. While charges were never filed, a Roanoke county judge believed her and ordered Michael Blevins never to have unsupervised contact with his own biological children ever again.
Blevins has had many psychatric hospitalizations in short-term units. He still owes $1,000s of dollars in unpaid medical bills. The City of Roanoke placed Blevins in a house that caters to criminals and the mentally ill, 1529 Patterson Ave in Roanoke where BLevins stayed until he was thrown out for his irrational emotional behavior.
His sidekick, Kenneth Michael Schneider aka Doc is a wanted fugitive in the City of Roanoke. Schneider has a violent history including several arrest and convictions for
petty larceny
telephone harassment
and that just covers the City of Roanoke & Suffolk County Virginia.
But when you are severely disabled like Michael Blevins & a racist, he doesn't have much choice when it comes to friends.
Hal Turner isn't going to take sides because it will cost him money.
ReplyDeleteBut from what I am able to piece together, Hal's version is pretty much correct although we are dealing with a pack of liars from all sides on this one.
White gangs like the NSM, KSS, and Vinlanders fighting each other. All thanks to Bill White.
Nice going Bill.
This Harry dude seems to be running his mouth about things he has no business talking about. He is likely to get his ass kicked for such things.
ReplyDeleteOh? So, now we are going to deal with threats coming our way? Something tells me that this "Harry dude" isn't at all concerned about anything any of you might do.
ReplyDeleteI never threatened anyone. I only stated my opinion. Usually when somebody runs off at the mouth about others there can be consequences. He is probably shaking in his boots. Keyboard rambos are like that
ReplyDeleteI take back my last statement. Harry dude is probably too stupid to be scared. He will run into the wrong one if he keeps it up and he'll get an attitude adjustment.
ReplyDeleteYea, I'm real scared... :rolleyes:
ReplyDeleteNow for some good news out of California. Another white supremacist going back to prison
Madera County authorities arrest organizer of racist rally
(05-27) 10:32 PDT Coarsegold, Calif. (AP) --
Madera County authorities have arrested a man they say planned a two-day white supremacist rally.
Bobby Dean Hubbard, 46, was arrested Friday on suspicion of violating conditions of probation after deputies found guns at his home, said Madera County sheriff's Lt. Darin McMechan.
They also found evidence that Hubbard was planning a weekend rally and rock concert at his 5-acre property in Coarsegold. No permit has been issued for the event, and deputies will be on hand to take action if county ordinances are violated, McMechan said.
Hubbard was on felony probation for terrorist threats and spousal abuse.
I am right. Harry dude is stupid. He runs his mouth about some bad assed boys. The day will come that he will regret running his mouth.
ReplyDeleteNo surprises about White and Martin not showing in Kentucky.
ReplyDeleteI stood six feet away from White and Martin, watching them bait the crowd at Toledo I from behind police protection.
When the crowd got unruly and began throwing objects at the NSM, the group slithered back into Wilson Park where the police could better protect them.
While I do not condone violence, I suspect that if Brien James and his friends were in the same situation, they would not have run away.
Of course, Brien James would probably not be wasting his time in a neighborhood like LaGrinka trying to rile up people he doesn't know, as he is a white nationalist and not a publicity whore.
Bill is a publicity hound.
ReplyDeleteIN the late 1990's, he was pro-gay and was in favor of eliminatining age of consent laws and pro-NAMBLA. Bill protested against the police harassing gays in Rock Creek Park in Washington DC. He was also a self-professed communist and a anarchist. He got arrested several times, including burning a confederate flag opposing a klan rally.
And when that didn't give him enough press coverage, he became a nazi.
Bill would still be a pro-NAMBLA if it gave him press coverage more than being a nazi does.
Something tells me that Hal's accounting is more than just a litttle off. If Boswell got as beaten up as that picture shows in 10 seconds, then there were a whole bunch of steel toes stomping.
ReplyDeleteBill White burnt the Confederate Flag ? What a bastard, now I want to kick his ass even more.
ReplyDeleteElaborate on this incident if will.
Too bad Boswell wasn't hospitalized this time.
ReplyDeleteI guess nazi scum never learn.
Antifa - it did happen last year. Looking at the pictures Boswell's wife put out - Boswell took a beat down, that's for sure.