The latest Coldshot takes on Bill "I'm A Millionaire" White's attack on a reporter over how relevant he is; the leaks and moles within the rank and file of the NSM; VNN - to porn or not to porn and "stud white guys"; Matthew Ramsey (Jim Ramm) and his latest rant; and a couple of shout-outs.
***Who used to advertise militia meetings south of the post office on Saturday mornings - and never had anyone show up?
***What is the "Brown House" at 100 Lover's Lane, Waynesboro, GA, 30830, and how much did it cost the NSM members?
William A White is no where near a millionaire. Just check his property records and they don't even add up to a million. And he owns massive mortages on all of them and his credit cards are so maxed out, the credit card companies have raised their rates to him to 30 percent according to US court records.
ReplyDeleteWhite's new stratgey to get rich is to not to pay his credit card bills then sue the credit card bank for $100,000. That isn't working, one lawsuit of his has been laughed out of federal court and another one will soon be. White isn't even making his interest payments on his credit cards.
He's going broke. He claims to be buying all these houses but yet roanokegov.com shows he hasn't bought anything recently. I doubt with his credit score being low, he can't now.
And whatever he has will be gone one day due to the RICO act.
If this Bullshit were true, does it give you a stiffy while you dream of sucking Bill's Dick.
ReplyDeleteI've leaned lately that you Nigger Lovers sure are some nosey Son-Of-A-Bitches.
I think racist suck.
ReplyDeleteWell, you think wrong. We'll see how you feel if you're ever attacked by Jigaboos or other Shit skin Mongrels.
ReplyDeleteHere's a fine example of why Jigaboos can't deal with modern Society.
ReplyDeleteHal Turner Posted:
The ancestors of African-Americans came to this land against their will and in chains. I think it is time some of our present day negroes LEAVE the same way! Some blacks simply cannot fit-in with our society. They prove it over and over. Why continue the charade of them being "equal" and just do what our ancestors did -- but in reverse. I call for savage criminal blacks to be removed from America against their will and in chains just like their ancestors came. Let's get rid of the animals once and for all!
Oh boy, here's another Faggot who wants to suck my Dick...
ReplyDeleteAt least I have urges for women and not guys like your Faggot looking self.
Gay sex between adults is fine.
ReplyDeleteANY sex with children is WRONG!
Faggot sex is never fine. It is sic, nasty & vile...
ReplyDeletethen why the hell do you at every opportunity say "suck my dick". Get a freakin room for crying out loud, I'm pretty much sick of it. This is all you ever do on here. EVER.
You know, I'm not fond of it either. But I see you say nothing about that piece of Shit falsely calling me a Fucking Pedophile.
ReplyDeleteWhen that stops then I'll be glad to stop pointing his & the other Faggot's Dick sucking desires.
the credit card companies have raised their rates to him to 30 percent according to US court records.
ReplyDeleteActually, Wacky Dick or his impersonator, we had some lawsuits, settled all the lawsuits, and my credit is now fine -- which you would know if you followed my blog.
In the meantime, my property just appraised at about $1.5 million, and I'm picking up another check for a few hundred thousand in the next few days -- but thanks for your concern.
Oh, but I forgot, all of us NSM leaders are broke gay welfare Jews, so I guess you got me. LOL
E- why can't I access your profile?
BreTard chose not to make his profile public. Jigaboo Lovers are strange ones.
ReplyDeleteI may detest you and everything you stand for
ReplyDeleteWhich is why I don't respond to you.
Next question ...
"I mean, I suppose we might , eventually, be forced to place 'fifth columnists' such as yourself aboard planes for deportation (in the event that fighting the 'Global Jihad' becomes a serious enough struggle for the survival of this country)."
ReplyDeleteEB, the Antifa equivalent of Michelle Malkin, Michael "Savage" Weiner and Ann Coulter all rolled into one.
"At the very least, I expected you to return in kind with a thunderbolt of erudite and well-conceived arguments to counter my own humble attempt at picking you to pieces."
"But, alas, it seems it was not to be.
"Now I shall bid my kind readers adieu,"
Refresh my memory. Do snake-handling, rapture-ready nutjobs like yourself consider narcissism to be a sin or not?
'cause maaaan.... it's obvious that somebody's certainly in love with himself.
Now normally, I believe narcissism falls under "pride" (you know, "...goeth before the fall"). But I think in your case it goes way beyond pride into out and out self-idolatry. :)
You would have made a fine Co$-er. Aside from the fact that most of them aren't obsessed with treason and fifth columnists to the extent that you seem to be.
No, no wait. To the extent that thou seem to be. Yeah that's better.
Now I shall bid thee and thy flowery, self-adulatory, methane-emitting prose farewell.
Comrades Dariush and Bill White,
ReplyDeleteIt is my great honor and priviledge to inform you that, at long last, the People's Struggle has finally come to a successful and satisfying conclusion! Our Great Revolution that was begun in the trenches and collectives of the Oppressed Proletariat has finally borne the fruit of COMPLETE AND TOTAL VIKTORY OVER THE BORGEOUIS IMPERIALIST U.S./ZIONIST WAR-MONGERING CAPITALIST PIG DEATH-CULT!!!!!!!
"Breaking news"!:
Persistent rhetoric coming from concerned progressive critics worldwide has finally convinced Israeli officials that the state of Israel has no moral right to exist. "That's it," Prime Minister Ariel Sharon explained at a press conference. "We are dismantling the Nation of Israel. I'm leaving for Poland next week."
"My cabinet and I had long discussions about world troubles, and we concluded that our critics are right - all the troubles can be traced back to us. So, in order to resolve these issues, we felt it would be best to extend our withdrawal beyond Gaza to include the West Bank and Israel proper," Sharon said. "The Gaza pullout was only a test, and the ensuing waves of peace and brotherhood it had triggered in Palestine and beyond, encouraged us to disband altogether. Without us here, people of the world will finally be able, once again, to live in permanent harmony and understanding - just like they all did before Israel's founding nearly sixty years ago."
From Russia to Morocco to Yemen to France, countries are anticipating the arrival of Israelis. In Moscow, an enormous banner was erected that read "Welcome Home, Jews." and erstwhile presidential candidate Vladimir Zhirinovsky exclaimed, "I'm going to bake a huge batch of cookies for this homecoming!" And in cities throughout Germany, joyous "Judenfests" were ubiquitous, as local citizens were arranging festivals to celebrate the Jewish arrival. German foreign minister Joschka Fischer indicated that, "For some reason, the Jewish presence in Germany is low by historical standards; many of our citizens under the age of 70 have never even met a Jew. In addition to curing the world's problems, the dismantling of Israel will give our people the opportunity to achieve their main wish in life - to live with Jews."
Similarly, the new Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has kicked off a popular "Iran-loves-Jews" campaign that will include a sensitive re-writing of the laws to accommodate religions other than Islam. He explained, "With the Zionist entity out of the way, the Iranian government will tone down its violent and threatening rhetoric, dismantle its nuclear program, and stop funding Hezbollah and other terrorist groups. As a matter of fact, I might even resign my position and award the presidency to someone else. Do you think Schwarzenegger is available?"
A spokesperson for Hezbollah stated that Iran's proposal wouldn't matter. "We don't need the funding because we no longer have any reason to exist. We disposed of our weapons, and will now re-focus on opening a chain of pizzerias. You just can't get decent pizza around here, and we're going to change that."
He was joined by a former high-ranking member of Hamas: "Yeah, we also pretty much accomplished what we wanted. We'll get together for reunions now and then, but otherwise, we'll just settle down into normal lifestyles. You know... mortgage, house, bowling, PTA meetings..."
Al Qaeda has also released a statement that read: "As the entire world knows, the Zionist presence in our Holy Palestine has been the only reason for our existence. This is why we attacked the World Trade Center and why we murdered Americans in Iraq. It's why we bombed Paris, London, and Bali, why we exploded buildings in Saudi Arabia, and why we enabled murders and terrorist activities in Thailand, Kashmir, Russia, Morocco, Nigeria, India, and the Philippines. But now, with Palestine returned to our brothers, all operations will cease. This is effective immediately and is irrevocable. We will now form The International Peace Corps and of course pay reparations to the non-Israelis who we murdered."
In the new country of Palestine, there are already signs of promise. President Abu Mazen elaborated, "We're adopting the American Constitution as our legal model. We believe that our future is in limited government; free markets, rule of law, respect for contracts and individual rights. And by attracting foreign investment, our highly educated and motivated workforce will soon become the most affluent in the region. In our own country, we will bring to fruition all the programs that we started in refugee camps, such as our breakthroughs in medicine, education, applied and theoretical sciences, nanotechnology, and space exploration."
When asked why these breakthroughs were not previously revealed, he replied, "Yassir always wanted an open and liberal society that encouraged free thought, free expression, and academic exploration, but it was impossible with the Zionist enemy next door. But now, our pent-up contributions in science and the humanities will finally be released. With this release of pressure, our accomplishments will explode faster than our martyrs used to!"
But most significantly, the end of Israel will have a large impact on United States policy. In an earlier press conference, President Bush had these words:
"As we all know, the only reason for our toppling of Saddam Hussein was to obey my superiors, the well-funded Zionist lobby, without understanding why. However, as Israel no longer exists, we will immediately withdraw all American troops from Iraq, suspend their new constitution, and halt all construction of schools and hospitals. But most importantly, we will be returning Saddam Hussein to his presidency, and pay him FEMA reparations for the Israeli-ordered murder of his sons.
"Furthermore, I want to extend an invitation to my colleague and close personal friend, Jacques Chirac, to rebuild French nuclear reactors in Iraq. Saddam Hussein needs nuclear weapons, and this time, the Israelis will not be around to destroy them.
"To our friend Saddam Hussein, America says, 'Can you forgive us?' Israel lied, we lied, I lied, and everyone died. We know that it was because of Israel that you praised the September 11th attacks, and that you sheltered terrorists, and that you (rightfully) wanted nuclear weapons, and that you gassed the Kurds, and buried thousands in mass graves. Certainly, any dictator who blatantly expresses delight at watching Americans die, has a track record of invading other countries, uses chemical weapons, and actively seeks nuclear weapons could never in any way be even a remote threat to the United States. And now, with Israel out of the way, we are proud to welcome President Saddam Hussein back into our family of nations."
One particular family of nations is very concerned, "With Israel gone, there's nothing left for us to do," says a United Nations staffer. "Since the world's conflicts will be over, we're worried that they won't need us any more." An anonymous U.N. delegate shared his concern: "I've even heard that they considered converting the U.N. building into condominiums, but there are too many cockroaches. Why would that matter? In my country, we pay a premium to live with cockroaches!"
The most important opinion came from the mourning Cindy Sheehan, with a nation hanging onto her every pearl of maternal insight: "Thank goodness this is over and I can now disappear into obscurity. And...wait a minute...is that my son speaking? Yes it is! He is saying,"Mother...mother...I am so grateful that Israel no longer exists! Mother, I am so happy that no other helpless children, like myself, will ever die in wars again!"
A large group of neo-Nazis who happened to be visiting Ms. Sheehan at the moment seemed upbeat: "With Israel gone, we'll be shutting down our web sites and closing meeting centers. Now that our job is done, you'll never hear from us again."
David Duke agreed. Contacted at his home, he said that he was leaving politics. "My life's work is finished; no more politics for me. I'm taking down my web site, too. Think I'll quietly live out my days in front of the TV."
And finally, Kim Jung-il of North Korea has promised to free his nation. "Whatever it takes," he said. "Now that I no longer have to waste my days worrying about Israel, I had time to read Atlas Shrugged and suddenly realized what an idiot I've been all these years. Do you think South Koreans would mind if we dismantle the border and join forces in generating capitalist wealth?"--Comrade Red Square
"Now normally, I believe narcissism falls under "pride" (you know, "...goeth before the fall"). But I think in your case it goes way beyond pride into out and out self-idolatry. :)"--Comrade Dariush
Every Man and Every Woman is a Star--The Great Beast
"Refresh my memory. Do snake-handling, rapture-ready nutjobs like yourself consider narcissism to be a sin or not?"-- Dari Dearie
"For I am BABALON, and she my daughter, unique and there shall be no other women like her." —The Book of Babalon, verse 37
"'cause maaaan.... it's obvious that somebody's certainly in love with himself."--Jubela, Jubelo, and Jubelum
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. Thou hast no right, but to do thy will."--An English mountain-climber.
Ave Satanis!
ReplyDeleteBack to the David Duke/neonazis/Cindy Sheehan meme again.
The French, the UN, the Kurds (whom you all care so very deeply about) ....
It's interesting how wingnuts like yourself, and the oh-so clever folks at The People's Cube, can never do satire right. I have my own theories as to why that is but it's a very, very boring topic and I'd rather get some sleep.
Screw that 14/88 bullshit!!
ReplyDelete93/93 is the way to go!
Before me Raphael
Behind me Gabriel
At my right hand Michael
At my left hand Auriel
Before me flame The Pentagrams
Within me shines The Six-rayed Star.
William White continues to talk about things that only exist in his troubled mind. An example of this is him falsey stating that he has settled all the lawsuits he filed against the credit cards. The truth is William White lost against Citibank and is still in court against Bank of America. His lawyer is John H Kennett.
ReplyDeleteJust last week William was aflsey claiming his properties were worth just over $1 million dollars. Without buying any new ones, it's increased to $1.5 million.
It doesn't matter, either lawsuits filed by others or the RICO act will own everything William owns.
William in 1996 spent a lot of time at the Potomac Ridge Behavioral Health Center in Roanoke after he was arrested by the Montgomery County Police for resisting arrest and brandishing a fake gun which turned out to be a starters pistol.
ReplyDeletePotomac Ridge Behavioral Health Center in Rockville, Maryland not Roanoke.
Damn, this lawyer Wannabee wants to suck Bill's Dick now.
ReplyDeleteWilliam in 1996 spent a lot of time at the Potomac Ridge Behavioral Health Center in Roanoke after he was arrested by the Montgomery County Police for resisting arrest and brandishing a fake gun which turned out to be a starters pistol.
ReplyDeleteUm ...
There was a William White arrested in 1999 for something like that. Problem was, it wasn't me.
And, I have a lot of different groups of properties in Roanoke. No need to explain it all to you, but ...
I have one group of ten appraised at $1 million that I am getting a check for in a few days.
Add another four properties to them and you get $1.5 mil -- the total appraisal for my Patterson / Chapman / Campbell properties.
Add in my other more passive investments and assets, and you get around $2.2 - $2.3 million overall.
The truth is William White lost against Citibank and is still in court against Bank of America.
ReplyDeleteNo. Bank of America settled and Citibank is the only one not yet dismissed:
CL06000069-00 Plaintiff: WHITE, WILLIAM A Defendant: CITIBANK; NA Active
The essence of the case is this:
I sued the CIT Group for refusing to make the tax and insurance payments on time. I won. I got a levy against their mortgage payments. They tried to refuse to recognize the court's judgment, and claim my levy was no good by reporting me as delinquent on my credit. In response, all the credit card vultures swooped down and tried to raise my interest rates to 30%.
I sued CIT Group and won a $100,000 judgment. Then I sued Bank of America, Citigroup, and Chase. Bank of America and Chase agreed I was right and settled on the terms I had asked for. Citigroup is still "settling", but we haven't been jumping on them like we should because they've become pretty irrelevant.