The “nonviolence” of the racist right is astounding! Actually, the idea of “nonviolence” must have gotten a make-over. Where have I been? I must admit, however, that it is somewhat of a treat to be writing about violence perpetrated on these idiots rather than by them on innocent victims.
Amid their hackneyed claims of not being violent in nature, five NSM members were the recipients of a beating given to them by a bunch of skinheads with a real hard-on for Bill White and Mark Martin. No…neither White nor Martin showed up. The Vinlanders Social Club, run by the skinhead Brien James and Eric “The Butcher,” Fairburn had quite a presence at this year’s Nordic Fest. The Vinlander’s are nothing more than a spin-off of the old Outlaw Hammerskins bunch.
Now, for most of us “regular people”, Memorial Day weekend means a day off of work, picnics, watermelon, swimming, relaxiation, honoring our dead and saying a big hello to summer. Sure, a family member or friend might drink a little too much beer and get a little unruly, but by-and-large, it is a time we all look forward to.
Racists look forward to it too. They love to meet up in Kentucky for “music,” cold beer, hate speeches, contests, moshing, raising hell, and generally engaging in their manical brand of “entertainment,” and we are usually relieved because it takes a bunch of them off of our streets for a couple of days. This year was no exception. Actually, this year there was an added bonus – the NSM had been invited – to speak.
Five brown-shirted, swastika wearing, NSM members showed up at Dawson Springs, Kentucky and they really shouldn’t have. There has long been bad-blood between the Vinlanders and the NSM in general and Bill White in particular, and a lot of that bad blood was present at this event.
Steven Boswell of the NSM gave a speech – a speech about activism vs social clubs and armchair warriors – and he shouldn’t have done that. Alcohol, bad blood, and dissing those who are hosting an event are really not a good combination. While there are various accounts of what actually happened, the short of it is Bosman and the other four Hollywood Nazi’s got their collective asses kicked. It got bloody and they, along with some Creator’s left.
Bill White reported on the incident long before any other reports were in, and true to his hyperbolic self, he got a lot of the goings on ass-backward. White claimed that “The National Socialist Movement's leadership spoke tonight to the Kentucky State Police, who were prepared to arrest James, Edwards and others on charges of felony mob assault, but did not do so because the members who were attacked refused to press charges, despite orders from National Headquarters to the contrary.”
This, of course, went over really well with the skinheads and kluxers. In virtually evey account that NSM members have released regarding the attack, Bill White’s name was linked with the reason for the assault.
White wrote a scathing article back in January about Billy Roper and White Revolution and how the NSM was gaining membership from both of those organizations and others. At the time it was pretty obvious that Bill was feeling really full of himself and grand-standing once again as he encouraged others to leave their groups and join with the Hollywood Nazi’s.
The Hammerskins have long had a grudge against White from the time that he ran a site called the “Nationalist Enquirer” where he outed many racists and slagged all over them. A message on the Vinlander boards pretty much summed it all up:
“Bill White is a coward who hides behind the computer and refuses to face those he slanders. We've seen his works and his ilk many times before and predictably, he will even wear his welcome out with his new found "friends" in the NSM.
“The truth about this coward is self-evident: He thrives on assumptions and promotes half-truths, exaggerations and blatent lies as fact. For some reason he does this on his web site with abandon and some folks in the NSM actually wonder why don't want to have anything to do with them until Bill White and his ilk are properly checked and handled by the NSM.
“After all, you legitimize his "standing" in a new era which has made its intentions quite clear to abandon the likes of Bill White and his kind. NSM, do what must be done, you know there is no other way because true activists and northmen will not accept cowardice, rumors, lies and slander any longer.
“By his own admission, Bill White is a snitch and informant of the lowest kind and has repeatedly promoted "contacting the authorties" in regards to people he deems his "enemies".
“My friend and club brother, Brien, has never given Bill White a second thought other than to offer him the chance to spout off at the mouth in person. Bill White refuses to meet with any Vinlander in person. Draw your own conclusions.
“Bill your days are numbered and thats not a threat from us, its just a simple fact. You ilk are a dying breed reduced to shit talk on the net. Got a problem? Handle it in person. Every artcile you post, every slander you write, all the shit you talk = nothing.
“A life of nothing, promoting nothing, contributing nothing. Good bye Bill.”
Yesterday, in response to my reporting on the attacks, Bill had this to say:
“Funny that the only kind of "hard core racism" supported by "anti-racist" groups is the pathological criminality of the Vinlanders and the Keystone State Skinheads -- two groups who are so "racist" that they have banned the swastika, denounced national socialism, and pledged to "kill" any "Nazis" that they see.
“The fact is that the Vinlanders, the Keystone State Skinheads, and the Imperial Klans of America are radical *anti-racist* groups -- Brien James in particular has been a marginal and radical anti-racist for a long time. I think this incident has brought that into focus for a lot of the movement.
“Their Nordicfest drew about one third as many people as it has in previous years, and will probably be a non-event by 2007.”
We all recognize Bill’s posturing and pugnacious style, but to liken the Vinlanders, the KSS, and the IKA to anti-racists was a lot more than ludicrous – even for the narcissistc Bill White.
For several years now, we have been reporting on Bill White and his bizarre antics and we have said repeatedly that he is going to get someone hurt or killed. We have also said that he doesn’t really understand what game he is playing or what the rules are. In his quest for attention and validation, Bill has stepped into the arena with some very hardcore people and has no frame of reference for their brand of hate or their inner-workings.
White is nothing more than a groupie and is frolicking in very dangerous pastures. His little game centered around self-promotion has just moved from Sunday afternoon to Prime Time Live. He has pissed off some very nasty individuals, and continues to try and dance with the devil – problem is, he’s a rich little white boy who has no rhythm.
Interesting, though, that when the heat on White reaches "HIGH," he seems to drift back into mythology and literary fluff.
ReplyDeleteThe past two days he's been dreaming of Mithra and running a Bill Hoff autobiography.
Rope-a-dope, or running interference for himself?
I'm glad to know that you have noticed that too. This seems to be a trend with him. He does this every time he screws up. I think this is the depressed stage of his illness.
ReplyDeleteHe seems to go inward and rather than lick his wounds he becomes pensive and hopes that all of the problems will fade away. Interesting how he refuses to step to the plate, say I'm sorry, or take any responsibility.
Also interesting to see with the next manic phase will take him.
Classic bi-polar disorder. He reaches a mania, then retreats.
ReplyDeleteThe Bill Hoff biography is made up by Bill himself. Notice all the references to money.
If Bill keeps quiet for a few weeks, it will all go away. The memory span of racist is very short.
ReplyDeleteI don't know that Bill can keep quiet that long.
ReplyDeleteMaybe the Sharpsburg rally being run by the IKA on June 10th will have a "private party" before hand and invite Bill White as a "special guest".
ReplyDeleteI bet Bill will violate his own NSM order by showing up at their rally on the 10th in Maryland. I'll be there.
Well...I believe this Klan group is the World Knights of the KKK.
As opposed to the Imperial Knights of America.HERE
I don't know what the difference is - you would think that one group of sheets would uphold the other group of sheets, huh?
From the Washington Post about Bill White. March 14, 1996
ReplyDeleteMarch 14, 1996
Excerpt-Eighteen-year-old William A. White sidled up next to a man who was reading aloud from the Bible to passersby on the crowded University of Maryland campus one sunny afternoon, cracked open a satanic bible and began drowning him out with his booming voice.
The man tried to compete for the serious attention of students who gathered to watch the dueling preachers, but it was no use. As he retreated in defeat and students left, the man asked White, "Do you really believe in the devil?" White replied, "Nah, I was just messing with you," and flashed him a toothy grin.
With a knack for evoking controversy, White became notorious at the University for doing whatever it takes to get under people' s skin. He practiced anarchist speeches at the top of his lungs in the middle of the night in a dormitory. He plastered articles about satanic rituals on his bedroom wall.-end excerpt
Excerpt-On the wall of his room White has taped his juvenile arrest and release papers, Seven Locks detention center identification card and high school disciplinary records. One page entitled "my first high school suspension." White was arrested last summer before an anti-curfew rally on concealed weapons and obscenity charges and spent 17 hours in jail before the charges were dropped.
White's former roommate Matt Green, a 19-year-old freshman kinesiology major, said he recalls when White's mother visited and saw the wall, the books strewn around written by Hitler, Karl Marx and Malcolm X, and the anarchist symbols, obscenities and expletives spray painted on T-shirts. She tried to apologize for it, he said "She said to me, 'Oh, please excuse all that stuff,' real nonchalantly like someone's mom might say to a roommate of their kid who left dirty laundry on the dorm room floor," Green said.
White has since moved out of the dormitory after getting into a fistfight with another resident, and lives in a house with two other students near campus. White has made speeches at anarchist rallies urging the elimination of all government and law enforcement. This from a young man who attended pubic schools and now goes to a state college, worked part-time since he was 14 officiating basketball games at the county recreation department, recently started a student anarchist organization for which he is president and applied for and was accepted to a political leadership program on campus. He rails against the media, but he reads three newspapers a day and is the public relations director of the Utopian Anarchist Party. "Think the government can be used against itself," said White, who said he would like to hold office one day so he can knock down any law that he encounters.
I just read Bill White burnt the Confederate Flag in protest of the Ku Klux Klan. If this is true...
ReplyDeleteHe's not welcome in the South!
"With a knack for evoking controversy, White became notorious at the University for doing whatever it takes to get under people' s skin. He practiced anarchist speeches at the top of his lungs in the middle of the night in a dormitory. He plastered articles about satanic rituals on his bedroom wall.-end excerpt"
ReplyDeleteThis was 10 years ago. Looks like the only thing that has changed is maybe the articles that now line his bedroom wall. When Hitler was a teen he could be seen standing on a bale of hay in the middle of a cow field giving speeches at the top of his lungs. Hitler was, of course, mad. So is Bill White.
"Excerpt-On the wall of his room White has taped his juvenile arrest and release papers, Seven Locks detention center identification card and high school disciplinary records. One page entitled "my first high school suspension." White was arrested last summer before an anti-curfew rally on concealed weapons and obscenity charges and spent 17 hours in jail before the charges were dropped."
Now he posts his psychological profiles on the web and boasts about beating up law enforcement. The more things change the more they stay the same.
"White's former roommate Matt Green, a 19-year-old freshman kinesiology major, said he recalls when White's mother visited and saw the wall, the books strewn around written by Hitler, Karl Marx and Malcolm X, and the anarchist symbols, obscenities and expletives spray painted on T-shirts. She tried to apologize for it, he said "She said to me, 'Oh, please excuse all that stuff,' real nonchalantly like someone's mom might say to a roommate of their kid who left dirty laundry on the dorm room floor," Green said."
Mom has probably spent a lifetime apologizing for her little boy. Maybe things would have been different if instead of apologies she had given him discipline and psychiatric therapy.
Stefan - you are quickly losing my respect for what intelligence I thought you did have.
ReplyDeleteThe money all came from his parents and an inheritance from his grandparents. White has never earned a penny in his life. He isn't a millionaire and all his properties are mortgaged to the max.
The vacation he went on was with his parents and paid by them like they do every May. Funny how White refers to his own parents as his "traveling party".
White claims about beating up law enforcement but according to uscourts.gov when White tried to sue the cops, he claimed the cops beat him up and in turn he had to spend six months in a mental institution to heal from the psychological damage.
Oh, and White lost that lawsuit.
source: uscourts.gov
But that doesn't fit into his picture of himself, Harry. He just makes stuff up as he goes along.
ReplyDeleteBut White is getting WN beat up now. And Schoep can't do a thing about it either.
ReplyDeleteYou gotta love it.
Why did you have to end your article with such a worn-out anti-White slur as the "no rythem" line? If you really want to present yourself as "anti-racist" you should immediately give up all such slurs. Very hypocritical guys!