May 19, 2006
Notorious Supremacist Arrested In Portland
This is a press release courtesy of the Department of Community Justice
PORTLAND, Ore. - Parole officers with the Multnomah County Department of Community Justice's specialized gang supervision unit arrested Kyle Brewster, age 37, Friday morning for alleged violations of his parole.
Parole officers obtained information that Brewster has been associating with members of the white supremacist gang Volksfront. By tracking the connections of gang members on social networking Web sites like MySpace.com, parole officers found evidence that Brewster had been in contact with Volksfront members.
Volksfront is a white supremacist group that has been associated with numerous crimes in the Northwest. In 2003, Volksfront members murdered a homeless man in Tacoma, Washington.
Brewster was taken into custody without incident during a routine visit to see his parole officer.
He is being detained at the Multnomah County Detention Center for violating parole conditions that prohibit him from being involved in gang activity.
Brewster was convicted of manslaughter in connection with the death of Ethiopian immigrant Mulugeta Seraw in Portland on November 13, 1988.
Brewster was sentenced to fifteen years in prison. He was released in November, 2002 and was scheduled to complete his parole in 2008. Brewster has no other convictions, but had several disciplinary actions while in prison.
Information provided by the Anti-Defamation League put parole officers on the trail of individuals who were ultimately linked to Brewster.
Agencies involved in the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force also provided information that indicated that Brewster has been involved with white power gang members.
Suspect pleads guilty in Fairmead murder case
Thursday, May 18, 2006
By Glenna Jarvis - Tribune Writer / Photographer
Moments after a jury was selected to hear evidence in a murder trial, the defendant plead guilty to voluntary manslaughter, according to court reports.

Chowchilla resident Jimmy Dale Steele, 21, one of six charged with the murder of 39-year-old John Emery of Chowchilla Oct. 16, 2005, entered the plea in Madera Superior Court Tuesday afternoon.
Emery was beaten and stabbed to death, and his body left among a cluster of mobile homes near Road 18 3/4.
According to testimony, during the preliminary hearing, sheriff's Det. John Grayson said Emery had been stabbed several times in the torso. Grayson said four of the defendants said all six men were involved in the attack that left Emery dead, and that a baseball bat, bed post and knife were used to kill him.
Grayson said four of the defendants admitted they went to the mobile homes in search of marijuana they believed was kept in a nearby shed. The intended to steal the drug, he said.
Emery, who went to Fairmead to visit family, rode up on a bicycle, and was attacked.
District Attorney Ernie LiCalsi said the men demanded to know where the marijuana was, and Emery didn't know.
Sheriff John Anderson refered to Emery as "an innocent victim" who was "in the wrong place at the wrong time."
"We picked the jury, then he plead guilty to voluntary manslaughter," LiCalsi said. "He admitted one strike, which doubles the sentence, then he admitted one prior serious felony conviction, which adds five years."
LiCalsi said Steele will serve a maximum of 27 years in prison.
"I'm going to be arguing for every day of that," LiCalsi said, adding that the sentence will be up to the judge.
LiCalsi added that it is not uncommon for a defendant to get right up to the moment of trial and take a plea.
"Once you start in the trial process, defendants start looking at their potential exposure and decide to plead guilty," LiCalsi said. "That happens a lot."
LiCalsi originally offered a plea bargain of 15 to life, he said, which would have made Steele eligible for parole in about 12 years. With this arrangement, Steele will have to serve a minimum of 23 years before he is eligible for parole.
"In some ways, he may be doing more than if he accepted the first plea," LiCalsi said, and added that the final decision would be up to the parole board.
LiCalsi said the family and friends of the victim were very happy with the plea.
"Mr. Steele's confession was, he admitted to kicking the victim twice," LiCalsi said. "Given what I could prove he did, I was very happy with the agreement."
He added that next week, when Joseph Avery, 22, is scheduled for trial in the death of Emery, LiCalsi won't make an offer.
"I will only accept a plea to murder," LiCalsi said.
Jury selection for Avery's trial begins Tuesday.
The five adults are documented white supremacist "skinhead" gang members, Anderson said in a previous interview, and Ramirez is a known Sure'o criminal street gang member.
In addition to Steele and Avery, Chowchilla residents Brent Richard Forehand, 34, Timothy Edward Steele, 19, Michael Luis Avery, 23, and Oscar Ramirez, 17, all faces charges of murder.
Ramirez is being tried as an adult. LiCalsi intends to seek life without parole, he said in an earlier interview.
Steele, who was facing a possible sentence of life without parole, is expected to be sentenced June 29.
Undercover Investigation of White Supremacist Gang Nets Nearly 40 Indictments
Indictments were returned last week ending a 14-month long undercover investigation charging nearly 40 individuals with weapons charges, participation in a criminal organization and sale or transportation of dangerous drugs.
The investigation was a joint effort by the Phoenix Police, Scottsdale Police, Glendale Police, ATF, U.S. Marshals, and the Maricopa County Attorney's Office. The organization was loosely referred to as the Todd Streich White Supremacy Organization because defendant Streich was the main player. Several of the defendants had tattoos reflecting Nazi and skinhead views, and espoused views that were aligned with white supremacy.
County Attorney Andrew Thomas said, "This is a hateful group with a dangerous criminal agenda. I'm grateful that law enforcement's cooperative efforts have enabled us to bring these charges and make the community safer."
The allegations in the indictment are that the organization would provide illicit items for sale as requested. Those who wanted guns to use against witnesses or law enforcement could place an order that could be filled in a matter of a few days if not hours. The organization also bought significant amounts of methamphetamines, which were broken down for resale in small amounts on the street. Undercover law enforcement agents taped a number of purchases including the sale of these explosive devices.
Evidence seized included white supremacist materials, 32 pipe bombs, two grenades, seven sawed-off weapons, illegal and stolen firearms and methamphetamines. One of the seized weapons included a stolen .50 caliber rifle. This rifle was reportedly represented to undercover agents as being powerful enough to shoot down a Phoenix Police helicopter or an armored car.
All defendants are facing mandatory time in prison. At least four could spend the rest of their life in prison. 13 defendants are also charged with involvement in a criminal syndicate.
More charges are expected to follow based on an additional investigation being conducted by the ATF.
meth is quickly becoming the way white nationalist groups are funding their activities.
ReplyDeleteLike I said, there is only place where White supremacism is welcomed and that is in prison.
Steve Holsten fully supports violent white nationalism.
He had been to prison and was on parole. His parole was violated for having contact with a gang through the internet which is far from having direct contact.
ReplyDeleteThe next point is that Volksfront is not a gang, it advocates legal activism only. Therefore I see no reason to have violated this guys parole at all. There was no new criminal conduct and the fact thathe was released in 2002 and had not commited any crimes sicne then is evidence that he was walking the stright line.
The worst allegation is that he wrote notes to people through MySpace.com an internet chat service. How does the government know for certain the people he spoke to were even real members of Volksfront and not posers ? This is utter bullshit, and no comparison at all to the violence Whites are subjected to everyday because our government has turned the niggers loose on us to kill at will. This is not even a balance to the violence White school children have to endure at campuses integrated with niggers.
You can't possibly think this is any evidence of White Organizations being violent. This whole story is absurd and has no merit at all.
Volksfront, the NSM, Aryan Brotherhood and groups like them are gangs.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to start using the word GANG instead of organization when talking about the NSM and other neo-nazi white supremacist groups.
And how does the Government know if they were really members of Volksfront or not?
Hello??? Ever hear of informants? All racist gangs are full of them.
There is no bullshit. You support violent white supremacist groups.
ReplyDeleteYou support Hal Turner & Hal Turner support violence.
So it makes sense that you also support violent racist groups.
But I'll give you a chance right now to denounce the violence that Hal Turner and other white supremacist call for.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDelete"The worst allegation is that he wrote notes to people through MySpace.com an internet chat service. How does the government know for certain the people he spoke to were even real members of Volksfront and not posers?"
Posers or not - he BELIEVED them to be members of Volksfront and he was not supposed to go there. Additionally, it must be in the water that you guys drink or something, but you extrapolate so much from nothing and speak as if it is true. The article said:
"By tracking the connections of gang members on social networking Web sites like MySpace.com, parole officers found evidence that Brewster had been in contact with Volksfront members."
Now, to me that means that they used posts on a networking site (SUCH AS My Space)as a starting point and after further investigation found evidence that he had been in contact with CF members.
You then say:
"The next point is that Volksfront is not a gang, it advocates legal activism only. Therefore I see no reason to have violated this guys parole at all."
Maybe you missed it...but, the article says:
Volksfront is a white supremacist group that has been associated with numerous crimes in the Northwest. In 2003, Volksfront members murdered a homeless man in Tacoma, Washington.
I would call the murdering of a homeless person "illegal," wouldn't you?
Nikki, Harry, I know you guys are busy but can you do something on Larry Darby. He is a racist Holocaust denier who has made appearences at National Vanguard and Klan meetings. He is running for attorney general in Alabama generating alot of publicity promising to shut down the SPLC and saying nonwhites are inferior.
ReplyDeleteHere is a fun fact, he has two asian daughters which he sired with a Chinese wife. He tries to hide the fact, please, please, please, expose this hypocritical lowlife.
Damn Steve, you were treated better at NIM Busters
ReplyDeleteat least you had a voice
Your IP isn't banned
ReplyDeleteThank you very much Steve for giving me all that I need to, not only, get your service provider to pull the plug (I realize that is not a big concern of yours) but to turn over to the FBI's Federal Internet Crime Unit. You see, there was a law passed that makes it a crime for anyone to make threats or harass others without using their real name. You have done all of that under Elmer and Anonymous.
ReplyDeleteI would suggest that you now cease and desist with this nonsense. You might want to get your affairs in order.
Good post, Nikki.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of the false pomposity about being "law-abiding" with which these groups - especially the NSM - like to parade, I found this post on Overthrow to be insightful.
Bill is all but drooling over the law-breaking, cop-pushing NSM member Justin Boyer.
After what these guys did, I'm glad they they're locked away. They took away the only dad that my sister has ever had and we had to stand there and watch as they cleaned him up off the ground the next morning. My mom and sister were devisdated and his grandparents, whom I'd gone to church with for years sat in the courtroom praying they'd let im loose. He sat there in the courtroom winking at us.
ReplyDeleteHis cousin, Timothy Steele was kept on the High School football league the year before only because I helped him keep his grades up, because he wasnt understanding the class.
I can't believe I went to school all my life with these guys and they could do something like this to my step-dad. It's amazing and very scary what people can do for drugs.
I think they should all be doing life there's one already walking the streets .. give me a break they killed someone
ReplyDeleteI think they should all be doing life there's one already walking the streets .. give me a break they killed someone